Easier sorting of presets and set lists

At the moment, presets can only be sorted with swap and overwrite, which makes things a bit complicated and time-consuming. Overwrite and swap actually make little sense, because unused presets can be easily deleted and swap isn’t really practical.

It would be much more user-friendly and faster to move presets to another position using drag and drop, i.e. inserting between 2 presets. This is actually common practice with sortable lists and the only function it needs.

There are two ways of doing this:
Either you drag the preset to the bank number, then again to the right to the desired position or the better way would be to display the complete preset list scrollable on the right, regardless of banks. When scrolling, the display of the corresponding bank could be activated in the bank block. So you don’t have to remember which bank the corresponding presets are in.

I think that makes our workflow a lot easier and I wish it very much.

+1 with me here.

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Sorting should work the same way as the blocks in the grid does:

Drag a preset in the same folder = MOVE it to a different location (Insert, no overwrite)
Drag a preset to another folder = COPY and insert it between two presets

With folder I mean “My Presets” or a Setlist.

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I’ve loaded about 50% of my banks with captures and have tried to group by amp… e.g. all my boogies together etc. Very tedious to resort if I find another capture on the cloud I want to keep. Would love folders for captures and better yet the desktop app for easier management.


This would be so helpful especially when deleting presets/captures. As it is now, if I delete 3 captures within a certain bank, I now have to move captures around to get rid of the empty spaces before downloading more. It would be great if they all shuffled up to fill the empty spaces!

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Oh yeah, please include such a function in the next update. :metal:

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Yes please I have been waiting for this kinda operation

Bump - please, please, that’s the only feature I sorely miss as a gigging musician. Sometimes you just have to rearrange the set list just before the gig, it’s really difficult at the moment.

This is possibly a duplicate to other similar requests, especially since the whole ability to even swap presets was removed in the 2.0 update.

Drag to shuffle everything down or up to make room for a new preset, swapping two preset locations, and an ability to “defragment” a setlist to eliminate empty presets would all be good options. DESKTOP EDITOR FEATURES???

Yes, maybe something will happen when the editor is finished. I don’t like it the way it is now. If the set list has to be changed shortly before a gig, I always have a crisis.

Agreed. I can’t believe this thread is a couple years old and nothing has been done to address it. Does Neural monitor this forum? Anyway, was just making a new thread on this very subject when I discovered yours. I upvoted your suggestion btw. Everything in set lists should be simple drag and drop. You should be able to place a patch between two existing patches in your set list if you want. I have several modelers and they all have this feature. Why this hasn’t been implemented or at least addressed, so we know if this is in the offing, is a mystery to me. But yeah…arranging set lists is a pain under the current architecture. I do appreciate the improvements that Neural has made. But what I don’t appreciate is that they actually took one of the features that made it slightly easier to do your arranging away. It used to be you had the choice to either overwrite or swap presets. Now you can only overwrite. And you still cannot simply drag and drop a preset between to existing presets. That drag and drop feature alone would make it so much easier to manage set lists.

NDSP definitely monitors the top-voted Feature Requests. If you look at the requests that have been implemented so far, it shows that they are taking them into consideration. Certain requests may depend more on back-end changes or other UI implementations, so they may take a little longer even though they’re at the top of the list.
Hopefully this will be one that they can introduce soon. We definitely need it!

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Good to hear. Thank you!

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