Disable copy scene function in gig view

While the copy scene feature (1.5 sec hold button) is nice creating scenes I think it’s quite disturbing in gig view. If you are using the QC on the floor with your feet it happens that copy scene modes comes up. The only way to cancel is tapping on the touchscreen which can be difficult during a live set :wink:
Maybe it’s only me but after the first day of use at the rehearsal place I found myself often on my knees to cancel the feature.
Thanks for checking on a future update and keep up the great work

Agreed! This is really distracting!!!


Is it or would it be possible to disable the scene copy function on the footswitches so I don’t accidentally hold a switch too long and pull up the copy function while playing live. I have had this happen a couple times and it would be nice not to have to deal with it.


Agree that this is SO annoying.


“Lock Touchscreen and Master Volume Knob” should also disable the longpress footswitch to copy. I keep inadvertenly long pressing during gigs and there is no way to come back once activated. Quite irritating… I’m sure its a simple oversight and will be fixed one way or another. I voted!!

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This has been brought up by a few members of the forum, including myself. I’m not sure why this hasn’t been corrected yet. I have messed a couple of songs up at shows due to this exact problem. There are a number of good suggestions on correcting it. I’d take any of them over doing nothing.


Agreed. Having this happen can really mess up song. Happened to me last night at rehearsal. Had no idea what was going on.

I’m glad I stumbled upon this before taking the QC to it’s first show this weekend! Locking the touchscreen/knob option does NOT work btw

Scene copying functionality was changed in CorOS 1.4.0.