Crackling noise switching Scenes and using Plugin Blend on Row 4

CorOS Version: 3.0.0

Describe your issue:
I cracking noise is heard when switching from one scene to another, in certain circumstances when using a ‘Plugin Blend’ block linked to ‘In 1’ in a multirow preset.

Steps to reproduce your issue:
While playing with the new features of CorOs 3.0.0 I encountered a very strange bug related to the ‘Plugin Blend’ block.

The bug cause a crackling noise when paying and switching scenes (even if the 2 scenes are absolutely identical !)

I have been able to reproduce it 100% of the time but doing this:

  • In Cortex Control 1.1 ,create a new preset

  • As the output of row 1, select ‘Row 4’

  • As the output of row 4, select ‘Multiple Output’

  • Near the end of the Row 4 , add a ‘Plugin Blend’ block (I put mine on the 6th column, but it doesn’t seems to be important)

    • Set the ‘blend’ knob to 50%

    • The ‘Output’ knob to 12db

    • The ‘source’ as ‘In1’

  • Strangely , at this point the bug is NOT present , you can play and switch scenes without hearing a crackling noise.

  • BUT :

    • Save the preset

    • Go to any other preset

    • go back to this ‘bug preset’

    • Play notes while alternating between two scenes : each time you switch scene a crackling noise is heard.

I expected this to happen:
No noise when switching scene.

I have tried the following things:

  • recreating my preset from scratch with the bare minimum blocks (this are the steps described above).