Can you create and save scenes directly in Cortex Control? I can’t find any way to do it in either the program or manual. Hoping there’s something I’m missing?
As long as the QC is connected to Cortex Control you can. If the QC is not connected you cannot.
wow, after a quick search I can’t find it in the manual either. That seems like a pretty big oversight. Perhaps it’s in there somewhere, but I sure can’t find it.
You need to Right-click (or ‘shift-click’ maybe, depending on your platform) on the parameter you want to scene-assign and choose the ‘assign to scenes’ option, and then the ABCD box should appear that shows it’s now assigned by Scenes. When you’ve made all your adjustments, make sure to Save the entire preset.
That works thank you very much.
One other question and maybe this is just my misunderstanding of how QC scenes work vs. Fractal scenes.
Can I turn off a block (e.g. disengage the drive block) in Scene A but turn it back on in Scene B? Seems like I can only change parameters of the block in Scenes.
In the same way as with other settings, you can right-click (or long click it when on the QC itself) the bypass icon for a block to assign it to scenes.
I figured it out in Cortex Control. Just need to right click on the power switch icon and assign/unassign. Doh!
Thanks all…