Cortex Control loses scene assignment when a block is changed

Whenever I change a block that has scene controls applied in Cortex Control the scene assignment is lost. If I change a block that has scene assignment directly in the Quad Cortex the scene assignment is retained and applied to the changed block. Its not a huge deal, but having to go through and reassign the changed block to the correct scenes everytime in Cortex Control is a bit of a pain.

Anyone else have this issue and is there a work around, or maybe I’m doing something wrong.

I don’t know if this will help, but if you use the same block in multiple presets you can copy the block and paste it into the new preset and it will retain the scene information.

Not sure if this will solve your specific scenario but you might also want to take a look at ‘Scene Bypass State Behavior’ options under ‘Settings’ → ‘Device Options’. Those options determine how bypass states are retained between scenes in the current preset before an explicit save.

Early November, using CoCo beta I noticed it too, using an IR block whose ir file was Scene assigned.
On the QC , no problem : I can assign a different IR on each scene.

In CoCo, when I select my preset and click on the Dual IR block, it displays the “ABCD” but as soon as I select a different IR File , the ‘ABCD’ icon disappears and my ‘scene-assigned’ IR are gone !

Another bug I found yesterday (testing CoCo 1.0.1) : only the ‘Dual IR’ blocks handle the right-click on the IR filename in order to ‘Scene Assign’ the value (even if it doesn work properly) , the ‘Single IR’ block simply doesn’t show the ‘Scene Assign’ menu when I right-click on the IR file …

All those ‘scene assigned’ IR Files are working as expected when I do it on the Quad Cortex directly.