Cortex control crashing when i try to enter settings

I’m not running Mac. I’ve tried different internet configurations, but I don’t know if I effectively turned off the QC Wi-Fi. It tells me it’s using my computer’s internet connection (which is wired, but I’ve tried on my laptop connected to my home WiFi and it’s the same problem - totally different computer).

@Morphire Even if I went through all of this, it means I’d not be linked to my account and couldn’t make backups, which is part of the whole point of using Cortex Control to begin with.

Didn’t mention this because I thought you were on Mac. If you are a Windows user, I would make sure to have the latest USB driver installed (from August), or even consider reinstalling it.

Step 7.5 was you logging in to then see if the resetting of your account routine you just went through allowed you to be off VPN, log into your anccount on the QC, and open settings without crashing.

Can’t complete this step because the VPN shows up as a no connection, so I can’t unlink.

Well :poop:! I was really hoping there might be a way to “reset” things short of a full factory reset and restore to get things working for you again.

Looks like just trashing/disabling the WiFi connection on the QC might have been enough. SO I have to pick if I want to be able to use my home WiFi on the QC or not. I’ll get by without it.