CorOS 2.2.0 and Cortex Control Open Beta are now available

No. It’s documented nicely in the new Cortex Control manual.

Have you met users? They do not read the directions.

Ive been designing and implementing software for like 20 years. It’s a well know industry phenomenon, and user centric design needs to accommodate.

Well designed and implemented software does not simply freeze when it encounters defects in state.

Software should not attribute blame to users when encountering fault, even if it is their fault. And nor should support, no matter how passive aggressively.


Thanks for the feedback. Maybe I wasn’t clear but I answered your question that you can’t selectively choose individual presets for backup. The manual is available for those to read and understand how to best use the QC. Whether users do or don’t read it is irrelevant to your question. If you have any more questions for support or mods etc., feel free to DM me if needed. Thanks!

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Just spent several hours getting to know the app. The only glitches I’ve encountered are random app restarts. I’m running Mojave and it’s not officially supported on the Mac. Only 11 and above according to the manual. Which, BTW, I actually read today.

I am really disappointed we can’t save individual presets. I expected the editor to include that function.


The manual is fine but it doesnt mention individual presets. I get that the timing for marketplace may not be ready for saving presets. But why not be transparent and communicate this in the notes - no individual presets in this beta. So there is not doubt. Telling users ‘havent you read the manual’ - seems a bit patronizing.


They’ve said from the beginning they’ve never intended to allow individual captures or presets to be stored locally, only full backup files. Not sure why, but they’ve been pretty up-front about it


If one would write everything into a manual the corresponding software or hardware product can NOT do, every manual would be outrageous big. Did you ever came across a manual that does that?

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By not adding the ability to save presets NDSP is doing a disservice to the QC community. The Market Place is what helped make the Kemper the premier device it became. By not allowing this same market NDSP will be limiting the success of this device. Many will abandon the platform.


There should be a “save preset” for each effect. I hate dialing the same effect every time I open new effects. Or is there a work around I havent found yet?

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What they are unwilling to say out load is this. There will be no ability to save individual presets outside of their cloud or outside sets. This means no monetizing content. Kemper packs is what made Kemper so successful. If NDSP doesn’t give us that capability the QC will never reach it’s full potential because there will be no incentive to create content for it. I’ll sit back and wait for the mod to censor this comment like they did my last one.

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Question about Presets downloaded using the phone app. Normally, when I download a preset or neural capture on my phone, if I’m logged in on Wi-fi I can go to Downloads on the QC and immediately find them. I am plugged in using the desktop editor, which seems to work well, but I cannot see any new downloaded presets on the QC or on the computer. Thanks and my apologies for not reading the manual. I am appreciative of manual reading types who make YouTube videos.

you can overwrite the default values for blocks or you can copy blocks from other presets to your new preset.

are you sure your QC is signed in and has internet connection?
Mine took a minute to refresh, but then they showed up in the respective Downloads folders

They’ve said it out loud since the beginning. No local copies of presets or captures. Just full backups. That has always been their intent. I’m not saying they couldn’t change that stance later, but they’ve been pretty clear about it so far (in Discord anyway)

There will be monetized content though- it will come thru the marketplace. Presently, the workaround is to share captures or presets directly with paying customers, thru the Cloud app.


Thanks Xush, I re-logged in and it worked!

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No copies of individual presets or captures is an annoying limit tbh. They probably want to make a commission on each sale in their marketplace if that ever actually comes together.

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I have submitted a Feedback to Neural via the Feedback / Bug report button in CC, to request the ability to back up individual presets; IIRC the Helix has been able to do this for years so there is no good reason why the QC can’t, and it is a very useful feature.

PS; edited to say I now realise that Neural deliberately have not added that feature to prevent people monetising presets and selling them.
What is their reasoning with this?

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we don’t know their reason, we just know they’ve always said there are no plans for local b’ups of separate content elements.

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Having to load a full backup instead of individual presets is so annoying. They probably also want the traffic to be on their website/app if anyone is sharing a preset. I much prefer that Helix lets you save individual presets to your computer. It’s been so helpful for me to set up a rig for band mates and friends on their units.

Realistically it doesn’t allow there to be as much of a community if people cant share presets as easily. Instead it has to be on their site.

A company who sells copies other brands IP digitally is concerned about anyone making money off a preset………lol

12564 presets / 2 clicks away ?