Can someone help me with hum/noise issues?

Yes I know it is in the distorition circuitry but it is still there and noticable. It is like a white noise on top of every note. Doesn’t matter if I have the buffer inline or not.

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Have you tried the “Ground Lift” in the I/O control panel, input 1 and 2?
This sometimes solve the ground related noise issue.

If you can, use a 12V PD trigger cable (center minus) and a mobile power bank.
I think this is the most clear way to supply the power.
In case if you still get the noise, it’s coming between your guitar and the effectors before QC.

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This was definitely my issue. I have seen it remarked many times elsewhere - hope I don’t miss quote but the QC is not grounded a relies on being connected to a monitor or amp that does have a ground. I really hated the noise until I plugged one of the outputs into a grounded amp and it was completely solved.


Even plugs in my p.a. with xrl or my poweramp with 1/4 jack… the hisse still there

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I wish there was a way to fix this issue

@Shawnlocke Nice to know that I am not the only one with this issue. I will definately give this a try and see how I get on. Thanks

@RN69 Yes its so weird. I also had a nano cortex and the “Ground Lift” Worked perfectly. But when I tried it on the QC the noise was even louder when I engaged this. I will certainly try mobile power I think.

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@Stinger22 Yes thats exactly the sound I am getting. Certainly more of a white noise sound on top of every note. Essentially when the noise gate is engage the noise goes completely but then as soon as I go to play something and the noide gate threshold is reached the noise comes straight back

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@cardinal Do you have the link to your video? I actually moved from a Nano to a Quad and yeah the Nano was super quiet I thought.

@Theflc1 Here’s a garage band clip of the noise I had with the QC. It’s right at 3k hz. I had a CAE Line Driver pedal in front of the QC. It was turned all the way down, so no boost but just would switch from true bypass to buffered.

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I’m experiencing a strange noise when USB cable is connected to my computer.

You have a ground loop somewhere in the chain. Is everything plugged into the same circuit?

Also does your USB cable have a filter on it? Would look like this-

This is a common issue for people where the power might be dirty or there’s some sort of interference being picked up by the QC once it’s connected to the computer.

I’ve had it happen in some hotel rooms where the power is strange.


That’s not a ground loop. Ground loops always introduce noise in the frequency of the power grid (US 60hz, Germany 50hz, etc.). The noise in his video is of a way higher frequency.

I think that’s noise from the Mac Mini… Computers and other digital stuff often add high pitched “noise” / disturbances to the power and signal lines they are connected to and the Mac Mini isnt grounded (two prong power supply cable) so there is no way for this kinda noise to go to ground via the cable shields / the power ground connection as the QC itself also isn’t grounded. You need at least one device in your set of connected devices that is grounded (three prong plug) and everything should be fine. Without a ground anywhere in your signal gain all the shields of all cables in the chain are useless and EMI will be picked up and added to the signal.

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this is it! i had the same issue and it’s the macbook that isn’t grounded! when i bought a socket with 3 pronged plug i solved the problem! if you have a socket with only 2 pronged plug, you’ll have an electrical dispersion from your macbook! they have this topic in their forum as well and all i did see is that most of the people solved the problem with the socket of 3 pronged plug. my issue is, how you can solve it without plugging your mac. the only solution i found is if i put the mac straight to the ground the noise disappeared. but i’m trying to have this result when i’m on my desk. so basically the problem is the Mac. i’m still trying to find a way to get rid of this electrical interference when not plugged with the Mac. but when i’m plugged on the charger, i solved with this: Prolunga per alimentatore - Apple (IT). sorry if my english is bad, i tired to explain it as best as possible. if anyone have a solution for the mac when not plugged, please tag me. thank you.

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I fear that this isn’t a possibility here if it’s one of the Mac minis with a power socket that only has two prongs (e.g. Euro c7 connector). For macbooks it indeed works by adding the extension to the power supply as the extension has a grounded connector and the supply itself doesnt.

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I don’t know about the mac mini, but for my macbook i discovered that this is the issue! my only problem now is how to ground it when i’m not plugged.

Mine is not a ground issue. I go out main into a Headrush with sends going to a Yamaha mixer and another into my rack Quatroverb.

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Listing your signal chain without more details does not prove that it’s not ground related. Headrush FRFR speaker or one of the Headrush Boards? Which Yamaha mixer? Quatroverb has ungrounded power IIRC, QC does too, Headrush depends on which product, mixers are probably all grounded.

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Headrush FRFR-8, Yamaha MG16XU to EV ZLX-15P, Quadraverb 2 which chassis grounds in grounded rack to Sansui AU-9500 to Behringer monitors, USB to Dell PC (makes no difference connected or not), QC has also been run through a HumX which made no difference.

My noise as I said is only on top of notes when a distortion effect is used.

Could maybe be the quadraverb. Those old units are cool, but always suspect for noise. I have one and it’s always a little sketchy firing it up

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