haha the best thing is its just the full snare top mic track from a song I’m working on at the moment. no edits or anything. same patch for both examples.
automated lead gain+mid for the amp and the wet/dry knob for the delay.
haha the best thing is its just the full snare top mic track from a song I’m working on at the moment. no edits or anything. same patch for both examples.
automated lead gain+mid for the amp and the wet/dry knob for the delay.
thanks man…glad you liked it.
The Dreamy Cleany is probably my favorite clean preset yet! thanks.
hey everyone… since the Abasi gets way way less love in the preset section as well, thought of posting all my tones. I dont have a proper monitoring system so it might actually end up sounding bad for you guys. but check em out. the preset “Abasi Ambient suite” and “Abasi Djent suite” are set up in a way that all the amps can be used. try switching a few pedals on and off. the first amp in djent suite is the clean amp and is supposed to be used along with the pathos. as for most other presets its set up to be played in split coil position. Soo all that being said. it might sound bad for you guys. give it a go and also tweek around the knobs, input, gain and all. lemme know if its any good for y’all.
Abasi Ambient Suite.xml (5.0 KB) Abasi Djent Suite.xml (5.0 KB) edge of breakup.xml (5.0 KB) electric sunset.xml (5.0 KB) peckin wolf.xml (4.9 KB) Polyphiaish.xml (4.9 KB)
Dude! Really liked the Polyphia esque one, was jamming on it on the neck position for a solid 15 minutes. Awesome work!
thank you brother!
My pitiful attempt at recreating the intro clean tone on Language I by The Contortionist. Feedback is most welcome and appreciated.
Language.xml (4.9 KB)
Will check these out brother!
Thanks! Updated the delay so now it matches what is written in the tab book.
I’ve tried to make a preset imitating Devin Townsend “Ocean Machine” tone. Depending on your setup it may sound different and I suggest tweaking EQ, input level, master of the amplifier, delay and reverb in the first place. I actually think that Abasi is the best plugin for such a “wall-of-sound”, moderately heavy, slightly unnatural reverbish-delayish tone.
ocean machine v1.4
Thanks for sharing but link is broken
this too is broken
Hey Steven, Can you re-upload these?
Would you mind giving us another link please? or if anyone else has this can they link it?
Hey gang! I was able to get some old files out of my old laptop. Among these were the presets that Steven uploaded that were used by Tosin Abasi at Namm 2020.
I haven’t tested them to see if they work properly with the current version (since these presets were made almost more than 2 years ago), but I don’t think there should be any issues. Let me know if any of you encounter any issues with them.
Edit: They work!
AbasiNAMMPresets.zip (12.5 KB)
Also, if anyone for some reason hasn’t updated to the 2.0 version and wants the presets used in Tosin Abasi’s playthrough of Monomyth, here they are:
Monomyth.zip (6.9 KB)
Strongly reccomend you to update to 2.0 though lol
That’s a crazy good preset!
Hey guys, I recently bought this pack and was watching Tom Quayle and he mentioned having his own presets. But they are not there. Is that because it’s an older version or do I download them?
I’m pretty new to using this forum, so not sure what/if to do or where to post something like this.
Check on YouTube, sometimes they make a video with the link of the presets
This is a patch I’ve made, it’s meant to recreate Holdsworth’s clean sound in Tokyodream (I’ve cut a lot of bass)