I experienced very loud, random digital noise bursts from my Nano Cortex while playing through it yesterday. Each time it happened, the noise lasted for about 30 seconds, and didn’t stop even when switching presets on the 2 footswitches.
At one point, I shut the unit off and on again, and experienced the same noise after some time, even on a different preset. This has not happened before, and is very concerning since I use it live at my gigs. I’ve had the Nano since mid-October 2024.
I recently did the latest firmware update on the Nano about a week ago, but haven’t really used the unit until yesterday, so maybe the firmware update is the culprit? The only other thing I did was change the order of the 4 presets on the 2 footswitches, and maybe a couple eq/fx settings.
Before the update, I never experienced any of these noise issues.
My signal chain is: Guitar → Drop Pedal - > Nano Cortex → MOOER Babybomb power amp pedal - > 1x12 Mesa speaker cab. Power supply is a 1 SPOT PRO CS6.
Update: Sooo, I took the Nano to my gig last night and this noise issuer happened about 6 times, causing me to power cycle the rig, and the last time I power cycled everything, the noise came on immediately, making the Nano completely un-usable and we had to cut the last couple songs of the night.
You know the dream all musician’s have where you’re at a gig and your gear doesn’t work and you’re standing there like an idiot, but then you wake up and realize it was just a bad dream/nightmare? That was me last night, except I didn’t wake up lol. Disappointing and embarrassing, to say the least.
Is there any way to capture logs/reports etc from the Cortex cloud app or the Nano itself? I emailed and sent a post to the support team, so hopefully there’s a fix or maybe the unit needs to be exchanged. Meanwhile, I better upload my captures to the cloud…