'Undo/Redo' function in Cortex Control does the same annoying thing that it does on the QC itself

To set out my stall, I like the QC because it sounds absolutely fantastic. But I think that there are some aspects of the UI and ergonomics that are poorly implemented to say the least. Luckily these could easily be fixed, if Neural wanted to, with firmware updates.
I have stated this to hopefully convey that my comments here on this forum are meant to be constructive, and objective; I think the QC could be by far the best modeller and I would very much like to see it achieve that status, but it will only get there with a few tweaks, which for the most part Neural continue to overlook in their firmware updates.

The one I want to talk about here is one of my biggest gripes with the QC, which is what happens when you use the ‘Undo’ or ‘Redo’ function on the QC itself; let’s say you increase amp gain from 5.0 to 8.0. To do this you are in the Parameter Editor window.
You then decide you want to undo this change to the gain, so you press the ‘Undo’ button. And the Parameter Editor window closes, taking you back to the grid. So to check the gain did revert back to 5.0 as you wanted, or to re-tweak the gain, you now have to open the Parameter Editor window again for that amp model, and repeat this over and over every time you use the Undo or Redo functions.

This is an absolutely ludicrous implementation of a time saving measure, the net result of which is the function is useless because it actually takes you longer to do things using the Undo/Redo shortcuts.

I’m therefore surprised and disappointed to see that Cortex Control does EXACTLY the same thing, which is even more bizarre given that Undo/Redo functions exist far more seamlessly in almost every piece of software in a Mac or PC operating system.

The positive however is that now there is double the reason for Neural to fix this (it may be something that could be overlooked if it only happened on the QC itself but I’m sure what I’m saying here will resonate with people more now the desktop software does that same thing) I have given feedback on this to directly to Neural but to get more support I wanted to post here, so please vote if you would also like to see this addressed…


You maybe should create a feature request for this so people can vote for it. I absolutely hate the way the undo / redo works too. Also if you use the UI knobs or the Rotary encoder switches to change a value and do this in multiple stops because you are not sure (turn to 3, think ‘ah maybe 4 would be better’, turn to 4, think ‘lets try 3.5 first’, turn to 3.5) all states you rested on in between the start and the end are added to the history too and you have to undo three times to get the original value back. Combined with the closing of the editor you mentioned this is a UX nightmare because you have to check everytime if you have undone enough to be at the value you started with before changing it.

Like you already said: The way it is implemented today renders the undo function nearly unusable.

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I’ll create a feature request. The only thing is I’m not sure how the forum works with regard to a formal process of things we post here being received by Neural? I keep seeing posts saying no-one from Neural monitors these threads, so is it purely down to the forum moderator to pass on things they think are worthy of attention?

NDSP monitors the Unity/Discord and FB forums as needed. This is a community forum so support related questions are largely addressed via the community or directed to support as needed.
If you have something pressing to be addressed with NDSP and or support etc., please email support@neuraldsp.com as needed.

there are several Feature Requests addressing this issue already, be sure to pick the one with the most activity and vote!

edit: well, huh. None of them have any votes! I’m surprised. This should be a popular request.

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Addressed in this feature request:

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