The 9 way EQ in my Tone King standalone demo is not working

I’m using the 14 day trial of the standalone Tone King. I like it a lot but the 9-band equaliser is always grayed out and does nothing to the sound. I’ve tried switching it on and off, the ‘lights’ come on but there’s no effect on the audio.
I’m using a recent Dell laptop, Windosws 11 and a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 Mk3 into headphones.

OK, isn’t it always the way that as soon as you ask a question that’s been puzzling you for days you find the answer yourself!

For anyone else who has been as dumb as me lately, double-clicking on an icon, including the graphic EQ, will disable it, even when you toggle the ON/OFF button on the EQ itself. Not sure when I did this but a second double-click brings it back. I’m usually smarter than this…honest!

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