Stereo FX Loops - Choice between 2 Balanced Mono FX Loops or 2 Unbalanced Stereo FX Loops

I have a suggestion for a new feature. Currently, the QC has 2 mono balanced FX loops. It would be useful if we could switch between this configuration, 2 unbalanced stereo FX loops, and 4 unbalanced mono FX loops.

There are 4 plugs for the stereo loops. Is it possible to configure them so that instead of each having a ground, signal, and polarity switched signal, they have a ground, send signal, and return signal?

This would be a game changer in my opinion.

The FX loops are mono only and it has nothing to do with TRS connections. There is only one DAC/ADC converter set per FX Loop, so the hardware itself is the limiting factor here. If you want stereo with external pedals then you have to use both sets of FX Loop plugs. Confirmed by Neural.


Ah what a shame - would be an excellent feature. Thanks so much for the reply! Will have to buy a Morningstar ML10X then.