RFE: Publish a Google Spreadsheet of Factory Presets

Hi there, this is an RFE (request for enhancement) to publish a few docs that I keep hunting for on every release:

  • A spreadsheet of Factory Presets (Google Sheets)
  • Device List

Please and thank you.

I’ve got both in PDF format.
I can export the presets list to a MS Excel spreadsheet, would that work for you?
Don’t know that the device list could be reconfigured any better than the PDF, it’s got tons of pictures and text.

I’ve also combined the QC manual, CoCo manual, unofficial Device List, and the presets w/ scenes list into one PDF doc if anyone wants a copy of that.


The manual is current and does list all devices / captures but not factory presets

I for one would appreciate a copy of those files😁

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Does this help? Quad Cortex Virtual Devices List


@MP_Mod the manual is great for reference but I’d like to find what I’m looking for quickly with a sortability.

@thecleantone that serves the same purpose as what I was hoping to achieve with the spreadsheet. As long as it’s kept in sync that works.

Who owns this?

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sure, I’ll take a look at whatever you have :grinning:

Thank you

I for one would LOVE a copy of that!! I tend to go down rabbit holes and forget what my original quest was without something like that!!

Here’s a Dropbox link to the all-in-one PDF, it’s too big to email;


Great job! That is a wealth of information!

You can reach the chap who maintains the list, here: dwaynecharrington@gmail.com

List seems up to date as of CorOS 2.0 :ok_hand: