Request: Plugins on iPad

Apple just announced that Logic Pro is coming to iPad this month. And I take this moment as an opportunity to ask for NDSP Plugins to be ported over to iOS.
Yes I know that this is far from ever happening, but one can dream.


godspeed, brother

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With iPad Pro running on M2 processor - that shall be rather obvious. No real difference between MacBook Pro and iPad Pro.

When this happens, it will become almost standard to show up to a gig with an iPad. We finally have great sounding software amps ……so let’s utilize it!
I for one, second this request.

I also request for this to be a thing! Would be very helpful.

yes please!!!

Please! Lets get this thing happening!

Please bring the Archetype range to iPadOS :pray:t2:

This would help a lot! Thank you in advance, please make this happen.

I would love to see the NDSP plugins on the iPad. Great production tool. Not so much for live IMO.

This would be amazing. My iPad Pro and RME Babyface would be an amazing travel rig. I know the team is very busy with porting of the Plugins but the interfaces are already great for iPad OS

Sorry to bump old thread but I would love to be able to play my Tone King standalone app on iPad.

I’d love to see this too. I spend most of my time making music on my iPad so this would easily get me to buy the mobile versions, as well as finally motivating me to go all in and get a Quad Cortex.

I just got an iPad Pro, and boy would that be an amazing music making machine with the NeuralDSP plugins! If it runs on Apple Silicon MacOS, it shouldn’t be that hard to port it to iPadOS.