Repair time

Good morning, first time posting. Was wondering what the return time was on a repair for anyone that’s had to send it off. Sent my QC yesterday to California and hoping to have it back by March 12th for rehearsal.

From what I have heard, it has been a pretty decent turn-around time for repairs/RMA’s.

I’m guessing they have a repair facility in California? Or does it get shipped out from there?

I had a problem with my QC and sent it in for repair. I was shocked to find the shipping address was in California. I don’t remember exactly how long it took to repair and return but it was QUICK! I want say about 3-4 days. I live in CA so that helped but I did note the “overnight” return shipping.

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Once they got the CA support up and functional, repairs seemed to be completed pretty quickly compared to sending to/from Finland.

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