Hi there, I am trying to reamp audio from logic out to the QC, through various guitar pedals that are within my 2 FX loops.
The signal that comes back into Logic sounds terrible, super quiet and noisy.
I am wondering if I need a reamp box within each FX loop to sit before the various pedals?
Anyone have any advice on this? Thank you!
If you use USB is direct. Just record USB input 1, it is the DI signal. Then use that track with a specific output (e.g., output 5) and use the USB in 5 as input in the QC signal chain. (make sure the output volume on the logic DI track is at 0).
I’ve been reamping like this, and had no issues.
thanks, yes reamping with this technique works fine.
The issues arise when I include guitar pedals, which are within my 2 FX loops, in the reamping signal chain.
My question is whether I need to place a reamp box in the FX loop, before guitar pedals, as these seem to completely destroy the signal.
Works fine if I just DI through the QC and back to Logic, doesn’t work fine if the signal goes through pedals in FX loops.
Hope that makes sense?
you shouldn’t need a reamp box.
the FX Loop Send Default- is Line level/unity gain. For un-amplified devices (preamps/pedals, etc) you need Instrument Level, so lower the Send Level accordingly
Are you adjusting the FX Loop levels to account for this factor?
Most users lower the send level by about -5dB or so.
cool, i’ll try this – i hadn’t adjusted the send levels at all. Confusing as the signal actually seems quieter when I include FX loops but will see what happens!
That’s strange because the FX Loops actually boost the signal by at least a few db. Is everything fine in your I/O , or the cables with the fx loop pedals, or the fx pedals themselves?
Easiest way to troubleshoot it is to plug a patch cable to the send/return and see if the signal still is weird.
I’ve done it using the loops, and didn’t notice those issues.
I’ve even reamped stuff outputting via send 2, and connecting a physical cable to real pedals before the QC input and found no issues at all.
It could have a lot to do with the specific pedals, some may react very differently or have unusual input or output values (though I wouldn’t think so)
I have found some seem to react differently than expected