QC with the Laney LFR-112?


So my experience with my current Yamaha HS-8 was not good, and am looking to replace it with an FRFR Cab.

I was wondering if anyone has coupled the QC with the Laney LFR-112 in here, and if so - what’s your impression of the sound ?

Thanks in advance for your input.

So you have been asking for help about this problem but switched through multiple threads, which really doesn’t help. You said that you only get bad sounds out of the QC through the Yamaha HS-8 AND your headphones. So clearly getting another speaker won’t magically solve this.

The problem I would think is that your gain and level settings are totally off.
Try setting everything in the signal chain to zero / default:

On the QC:

  1. set all the inputs and outputs of the QC to zero
  2. set the input impedance of input 1 and 2 to 1M ohm
  3. go to the factory presets and chose a basic one

On your Guitar:

  1. Set the Volume of the pickup(s) to full
  2. turn off the EQ / set everything to the middle position

In your DAW (Reaper):

  1. set the Master Volume to zero (default)
  2. create a recording track, set it to mono and USB Output 3
  3. leave that track at zero (default)
  4. record some riffs

How does it sound now? Can you share an audio clip and tell us what the factory setting was?


Thanks for replying.
here’s the daw configuration:

QC input config:

preset: 1A Brit 2003
and the sample:

Why the impedance at 10M on Input 1? Any reason in particular? Should start at 1M (default) and adjust only if needed.

That was the default, I didn’t change anything.

Strange… my default when I start using the QC was 1M. Changing to 1M improves anything?