Polyphonic pitch shifting

Hi folks,

I’ve noticed that there’s some noticeable instability/oscillation in the Pitch shifting block & reading up on the topic, found out the QC implementation isn’t polyphonic in nature.

For what it is, I think it does a great job at it but I would love to see a proper polyphonic pitch shifting / capo block make its way into the QC.

Yes, the pitch shifter isn’t very good on the QC unless you’re playing single notes.


Pitch shifting sounds pretty terrible. It would really make more sense for it to be polyphonic pitch shifting, or for that to be an option, at least. I don’t see the use for this jiggly/aliased tone that comes from it.

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Honestly insane that they have “drop” (polyphonic pitch shifter) listed in the effects list on their website but it is available/not even mentioned in recent development updates. Bought the Quad Cortex thinking it would be included and only realized once I had the unit.

Pretty misleading for the company to have tons of effects listed on their site that aren’t actually on it unit. At least update that list instead of falsely advertising them.

Maybe they will include the transpose function from the plug-ins when they add those. But feel like they’ll find a way around adding that.


One more vote for this (IMHO) much necessary block!

I think perhaps NDSP just needs to port their “Transpose” function from the plugins to the Quad Cortex? This would also be cool as an additional parameter at the Input - on input we can add Transpose which will affect the guitar tuning for the rest of the path (this would save a block)… unless one wants to do a “Transpose” later in the chain which is not very common I guess…


It should happens when the first wave of plugins are ported to the QC.
NDSP announced that Plini X will be part of this first wave, and it has the ‘Transpose’ feature.
I can imagine that a such fundamental block will be available as a ‘regular’ block, and not a ‘plugin specific block’ (ie: will be available to ALL QC owners), but we never know with NDSP :slight_smile:


When they had the recent announcements for it there was an image with a pitch shift block from the plugin. Would imagine that is transpose.

Wish they were a little more clear with that stuff. Whoever writes their press releases is pretty bad

This pic right?

Yeah, looks like a pitch block from the plugin. Couldn’t see why it wouldn’t be the transpose, esp considering they’ve promised a polyphonic pitch shifter from the start.

Wish they were more clear in their announcements. Line 6 is always clear with the Helix stuff and gives definitive lists of what’s included, etc. Neural’s announcements are always a little more vague which leads to people being unsure in this forum and elsewhere on the internet.


Is the transpose function polyphonic though?

Polyphonic shifting would be great to have. Where/when did they promise it?

It’s been in the original effects list (labeled as drop) since before the QC launched. I know they’ve been slow to release all of them, but it has been a thing they posted.


Yes we really need to have polyphonic pitch shifting added. Transpose or whatever you call it. For me the current pitch shifting is useless because it sounds horrible when playing chords. You know those things that guitar players use. It simply needs to work correctly for both tuning down and up. I tune to D standard and often use a capo or carry additional guitars tuned standard to gigs.


really needed, +1


And if you guys make a polyphonic effect could we have the same quality as the Hypertune plugin made by Polychrome DSP.

Yeah, this would be a nice addition :point_up:

does anybody know if the “transpose” block from the plugins on the QC is polyphonic?

It isn’t polyphonic. It’s the same algorithm for the QC and plugins. Neither is polyphonic and they glitch the same way.