For those of you who have successfully ported the plugins, and the X effects better than the standard delays/verbs on the QC? I would love to go back to the QC, but I’m waiting until they improve the fx. They should at least be on par with Fractal. Would be nice if they could get to Strymon or Nero’s level someday. Thanks!
I kinda feel like maybe they are.
The new Circular Delay, Plini Delay, and Gojira Octaver all sound great, possibly a little better than the previous factory devices.
I don’t know that it has to do with them being plugin ports though, the CircDelay isn’t, and the other new factory features sound as good as the PI versions to me.
I think their algos are just steadily improving with time and experience.
Not necessarily better, just different. The plugins aren’t supposed to sound better but to sound like the effects / amps the artist uses.
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