"Plugin compatibility" - what does it mean exactly?

Hey everyone,

so I was watching the Rabea video where he presents the beta of the plugins on QC and now I am unsure on how this all works.

I THOUGHT you would use the QC as a platform and install whatever plugin you own on it.
But from the video I got the impression that plugin on PC/Mac and “plugin” on QC are two completely different developed products. Buyin the Gojira plugin allows you to use the different effects, amps etc that have been loaded onto the QC in 3.0.0 under that name. But they are not the same software. They have been developed to sound “as close as possible” but it is NOT the plugin that you are using on QC.

And the compatibility stems from the fact that if you buy one you get to use the other and that you can transfer your presets from the PC plugin into a QC version and they’ll sound very close.

Am I getting this right?

Now the pros of this is that you have all new toys (blocks) that you can mix and match how ever you like. Something not really possible in the plugin.
On the other hand it is different software.

The basic idea is that they sound identical and from all test so far, if you set the correct input levels, this is the case.
So actually it’s the same algorithms on a different hardware.

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