Performance mode - Disable rotary on footswitches

I bought the nano cortex as a back up for my qc and for smaller gigs.

I did my first gig and the sounds were stellar, but I encountered the same problem on a few occasions that was quite scary!!

When pressing the foot switch (I had four sounds set two a side with left being rhythm and lead with a plexi capture and right side the same but with a pitch shift) I must have rotated and so brought up a different patch. So so bad! A quick double press brought things back, but there needs to be a quick fix implemented.

My feature request is to have a performance
Mode to disable the rotary :metal:t2:

This feature already exists on the Nano. It’s called Parameter lock. From the official user manual:

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Thank you so much. I didn’t spot this :metal:t2::black_heart::metal:t2::black_heart::metal:t2:

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