Paint Audio CE1 - QC clone with full plugin integration already

Have you guys seen the Paint Audio CE1 yet? It looks similar to the QC chassis but has a windows computer and audio interface. It runs all of Neural DSP plugins and any other plugin/DAW or any windows software. Seems very interesting.

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Here is the YouTube video of the unit in operation, showing NDSP plugins being used.


If it works well itl be will be the most logical idea for a modeller I was wondering why someone hasn’t already done this up until now… Looks pretty cool


Honestly a pretty awesome idea. It does look like a Wish dot com version of a QC, but amazing you can connect a screen and keyboard + mouse and it can run a DAW. Ideas like this will hopefully push the bigger companies to reduce the limitations of modelers.

I don’t foresee buying this myself, but it’s a nice push in an interesting direction.

Also can’t wait to see when someone installs Doom on that thing.


Ye it is untested and does look cheap… But like the idea… My money is still on the QC though…being a better unit


I use windows at home and at work on a daily basis. But man… Windows is the last thing I would want as an OS for an amp modeler.
Also the wide open “you can run anything on it” concept means that all sorts of crap will accumulate over time.

It also seems to be missing a clear, usability focused UI. I don’t want to do window management, I want to make music.

The guy even says the usability with touch screen isn’t good. But you can use an external keyboard/mouse and a monitor…
But then why don’t you just use a normal PC?


Absolutely think the QC would be more stable haha. Touchscreens with windows are kinda sketchy. I see it with the gaming handhelds that are basically windows pc’s now.

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Yes the idea is good… But also for alot less cash… I’d still prefer my QC as a dedicated guitar processor…

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I use one of his MIDI Captain floor units and is well made and has performed flawlessly.

I say that as I have waited almost a year to be able to use the plugins they sold me with my QC.

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Ye defo… I look forward to my plugins being ported at some stage… Plini is nice on the QC…

…at some stage being the operative word, at this rate could be years.

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yeah this is the guy that did the teardown video, hardware is obviously a knockoff of the QC but I don’t think having it run windows is a good sign of reliability.

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I don’t mind waiting I’ll have mine for years I hope

Lots of people run Windows based studios and live mixers in Windows laptops. I don’t what language is going on in the various standalone modelers but why not a small box running a proven Windows based language and OS.

Well when you are my age every year counts :grin:

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I think a lot of modelers are based on Linux, or at least the QC definitely is. Windows running on a super limited system might be weird since it’s not really optimized for that sort of thing (why handheld PC gaming stuff can be weird) and it would need to run the OS + you’d have to make sure it isn’t trying to run other stuff in the background, etc.

This sort of thing could work really well maybe if it was running Helix Native. QC plugins could work obv, but I don’t think their standalone version would allow an outside effects loop unless it was in a DAW. But a small Windows system could get weird trying to do the OS, a DAW, and plugin….but maybe it’s fine if you aren’t running many tracks….


I did the Windows DAW early in and got tired of the little problems that would pop up so went more analog with a Tascam 32 track board and modeling done in dedicate units. I know the newer DAWs are much better but I stick with the simple. Why I like the QC. it gives me both.

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I just can’t get over the fact that it runs on Windows.

A few years ago I had so many problems with running a DAW and plug-in software with a PC and ASIO driver, it really forced my hand to just pony up the cash for a Mac. All of the problems I had with Windows went away.

I do like the idea of floor-modeler-unit-loaded-with-full-DAW, but I would want it to run Logic anyway.

Time will tell if the CE1 will prove to be a viable product, but I’m defiinitely sitting this one out.

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I don’t feel the windows thing is a problem from years of running a hi end studio on windows… I don’t have problems running windows with far better latencies in every department in comparison to macs it’s most certainly in my opinion a user knowledge and ability thing…

I think this unit will probably work fine with windows, and as long as the user is knowledgeable enough itl be fine and with alot more choice it will certainly be interesting to see how it performs turns out

Another problem is the size of it trying to use a daw and plugins and stuff like that will be abit cumbersome on the screen


I did the the same idea, but with QC and add a pretty decent device in small footprint.

Tt’s a gaming console base on windows platform with a killer configuration ( cpu : i7 1280p).
The most difficult part is configure all to be easily accesible, but for me it was a fun part.
I can run at least 15 VST without dropping sound.

Every thing is explain here : My geeky pedalboard (Quad Cortex + Computer) | The Gear Page