Octacapture - Dry Signal Problem

Hi all, I am new to here. Recently I bought Archetype Petrucci Plugin. On Logic Pro with Roland Octacapture, I only receive dry signal of the guitar. Logic records only dry signal and plays it back through FX. The sounds only are available when I run Standalone.

Please help!

Ensure that octacapture is receiving input from the track, not the interface.

There is no selection option on Archetype if you use it as FX. If you use standalone you can select the source of inputs and outputs.

Let me explain like this.

I am monitoring Logic with headphones. The headphones and the guitar are connected to the Octacapture and Octacapture is connected to iMac. Logic is opened. Audio channel is selected, input as Octacapture’s input. Then as Audio FX, ATP (Archetype Petrucci) is active. Input monitoring is active on channel.

I can’t receive any processed signal.