Describe your issue:
In Cortex Control grid view when trying to select an OUT such as Multi Out at end of row and change it to NOT IN USE. The option to choose NOT IN USE is not available in the output dropdown selection. It’s still available directly on the QC device but not in Cortex Control anymore as it used to be.
Steps to reproduce your issue:
Go to a preset / grid view
Try to change OUT on a row to NOT IN USE
Not available in dropdown anymore
I expected this to happen:
Change OUT to NOT IN USE from Cortex Control
Are you scrolling all the way down to the very bottom of the selections on the far left of the screen? The ‘Not In Use’ option is under the ‘Other’ heading (on paths 1 & 2). I think you have found a bug though. It is not available on paths 3 or 4 in CoCo but it is present on the device. It is available on paths 1 & 2 on both the device and CoCo.
Additionally, the headings are different on the device for paths 1 & 2 than those on paths 3 & 4. There is no ‘Other’ heading on either the device or in CoCo for paths 3 & 4. This may be as intended, not sure.
I was scrolling to the bottom of the menu while on row 3 because it was set to multi out, and I wanted to extend it to row 4. I managed to adjust it on the device, and while it’s not a major issue, I wanted to point it out in case it might be a bug.
I think it is a bug as the options on the QC are different from the editor. Might want to report this to Neural support although they probably look at the ‘Bug Repots’ on the forum.
Sometimes, you select an output on rows 3 & 4 , test something (or optimize the chain of block and are able to ‘reduce’ the preset to use only rows 1 & 2 instead of 1,2,3,4) , in this case you must be able to revert to ‘not in use’.
I see a lot of benefit in just making sure there is no output on a row so you don’t accidentally leak your DI signal.
Using less rows and having a little bit less latency may also be a side effect.