NDSP Upgraded Power Adapter


Is there any updates on the NDSP replacement power supply that has been in prototype testing?

I was told about it by NDSP support by email in April 2022 and got this second response a year later in August 2023:.

“We can happily say that the we are working with a company who have delivered us a suitable prototype of the alternative power supply. It is still relevant and prog
Unfortunately I don’t have an exact date when these will become available for you, but we have your details for this, and you will be among the first to know.”

Not sure of manufacturing timescales but it would be good to hear an update of how this is progressing? Was the prototype a success? If not what are the next steps for NDSP?


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Are you having issues with your OEM power supply?

Your kidding right @MP_Mod ?

My replay was to @alanstevenson.

I understand that the OEM power supply is a sore point for some owners. Personally, I have never had any issues as well as many others. I was trying to determine if OP was having issues with their PS. If you have any further comments to make feel free to DM :slightly_smiling_face:


I think I used the OEM wall wart once when I initially opened the unit just to test it. Had no issues with it.

But it’s been ciocks 7 + crux ever since.

Insane to think someone can drop $1800 on a “pedal” and worry about another $200-300 to have a complete, definitive, problem-free power solution. Like having a true blue ‘59 LP then complaining about the guitar when a string breaks.

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Well i think it’s more insane to think that a $1800 unit doesn’t have to have “a complete, definitive, problem-free power solution” for that price and like all the competition.


The one that came in the box has been complete, definitive and problem-free for me…?



Hi, I don’t want to go into the grounding issues as this is covered in other threads. However in April 2021 I wrote to support about my issues and they said:

“ For this, the solution we are exploring involves using a floating power supply , specially engineered to reduce the pickup/ground interference issue when using QC just with headphones, while minimizing the likelihood of ground loops when using the unit in conjunction with external devices.

Our preliminary tests are very promising and we are waiting for sample approval to proceed with sourcing.”

I was just wondering if they have made any progress on this as they said August 2023 they had a working prototype.

Just after an update?


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I’ve never gigged with a wall wart and have always gone the Strymon/Ciocks route.

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I am a new Cortex owner, I was experiencing significant noise until my CIOKS Crux arrived - noticeable difference, there is no noise now.

Thank you for the update. I’m glad to hear that the prototype is progressing. Could you provide any further details on the next steps for NDSP, or an estimated timeline for when the new power supplies might become available?

Aye, I’m interested in this as well.
I questioned support about this last year when I got my unit.
£1800 on a piece of gear only to get a 50p wall wart to power it is embarrasing. Mine still works, but is flimsy as the cheapest toy power supply. The ground loop thing was a bit annoying, but I rejigged the ouputs to my IEM’s and it’s fine.
I’ve got Roland and Line 6 PS’s that are built like tanks and have lasted years on the road.
The Cortex PS needs 4 security guards and a velvet cushion otherwise it feels like the lead will crack. It is so delecate I feel that strong language or an overly enthusiastic sound tech fart will snap it in half!
Having to spend an extra £400 odd to get the Cioks is insane. Great if you have an endless supply of cash (and if you do, feel free to buy me one).
Everything else is so good about the QC, but the power supply seems to be such an afterthought.
I like the idea of a floating power supply although, after some research I’m a bit disappointed it won’t actually float in mid air.
I hope when they build the new one they have a roadworthy lead attached to it. I need to swear around my pedalboard again!!