Multiple input/output selection

Multiple input/output selection.

  • For example, multiple inputs is very convenient to have a signal from the guitar and from the DAW at the same time at the input of the guitar chain. To reamp or adjust the sound, so that you don’t have to fiddle with the strings all the time - record it once, run it for playback and adjust it.
  • Multiple outputs allow, for example, when using QC by four musicians to organize 4 lines of monophonic monitoring on the floor (or through in-ear headphones), using sends and outputs 3-4:

The output selection via checkboxes is a good idea, even better than Copy Out 1/2 to 3/4. This gives us maximum flexibility for routing the chains to the desired outputs.
The downside is that you have to set this for each preset. Copy 1/2 to 3/4 would be global and therefore quick to change, e.g. when switching from the studio to the live setup.

I also suggest introducing an option that will allow each user to define a convenient mode input and output - globally or separately for each preset: Global mode for input/output blocks
This will allow for maximum flexibility and implement any routing and logic.

Would be great if you could also have a global volume parameter for each output. When running one XLR to IEM and one to FOH you often have to turn down the volume to FOH, but want to maintain the volume to IEM.
Have had this issue on my previous Kemper several times, but it had a discrete monitor out with separate volume.


I was about to open another request for a Multi IN but maybe here is better.
2 years and not developed…is there anything that prevents this to happen?

If a multi IN is implemented the unit would be always ready to reamp. In this way we can switch presets when reamping seamlessly.
Now we have to switch preset and than change from in1 to usb5.
Also I often found my preset in usb5 input because i saved them after tweaking during reamping
Probably the multi In should have also a return1 for an HW reamp, but that could mess the preset who use it.
I’d love to have multi IN and OUT to be freely selected especially now that we have volume control on send1&2.
Also all the preset could have in1 and usb5 defaulted so try them for reamp (or just playing a riff recorder in daw to hear them) will be very easy.


Still needed.


I requested this as well a few months ago, I feel it would be a great addition to be able to select the outputs with a checkbox and mix and match them, mono, stereo, etc, without wasting a whole line on the grid!
And I feel it’s an easy fix!


I also made a similar request, in my opinion this should preferably be configurable on a global level rather than preset by preset, in order to easily and quickly adapt to the venue.

On a global level? How would this apply to the presets? Not sure how this would be helpful, but still that would require a whole different programming as there is no such option.
Also this would cause a major mess with presets that have separated rows in the grid for different instruments or for vocals etc. that the user has setup to different outputs. I guess you would bypass all of those pre-set outputs, but that sounds like an accident waiting to happen, but I guess every person has their own setup and preferences.
Maybe you could setup all your presets to all multiouts, and then mute/unmute the ones you don’t need from the master menu, that sounds like what you need (also the master volume is customizable now too)

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maybe you misunderstood me, what I mean is that now we have a fixed multi-out, while probably a customizable multi-out based on the needs would be more useful. Obviously any change made to the custom multi-out would immediately act on all the presets using it and only on those, while it would have no effect on those using other outputs.

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Oh so you mean just to affect the multi-out selection. Ok that makes sense, I can see that being useful, a separate menu in settings that can customize the multi-out. Still a bit more complicated to add but yeah it would be useful

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