More scenes per preset

Hi, it would be nice to have more scenes per preset. If you use an external midi controller the switch the scenes it would not be a problem to use them.

Paged scenes would be awesome too so one would not have to use a midi controller. Changing the page could be done with two of the three switches on the right.

This already exists on the Headrush and would be easy to adopt here…

lets say you have scenes A-H, you would also have A+ to H+ where the A+ is a second press of the A scene… so set up your A scene as usual, press the A button again, set up A+ then say you go to scene C when you come back to A it goes to A as you’d expect, but a 2nd press would get you A+ …

This is great on the headrush for cycling between verses and choruses on the same button, or for setting up stomps in the middle of scenes, so scene A toggles a pedal on, A+ toggles it off, that way you can have a customised Hybrid preset with any number of faux stomps within your scenes… it’s a great feature on the Headrush and one I miss.

Yes, the Headrush is much more advanced in this point. Since the Headrush has virtually no lag when switching presets, I don’t even think you really need scenes there. With Headrush, you can simply create a song and then throw the presets into it in the order in which you need them in the song. You don’t have to switch back and forth. A single button is enough to get through the whole song. It’s similar with the Axe FX, but I think the Axe devices can only record a maximum of 6 song parts, which is clearly not enough.

But there have been various requests for a useful setlist feature here for a while now. Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of them, all of which want something similar and therefore distribute the votes.

Let’s hope that once 3.0 is finished and the plug-in integration is completed, the developers will finally find the time to take care of this usability issue, which I’m sure is essential, and not waste time again with the hundredth variant of an effect or amp.

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I don’t think that ‘more scenes accessible through midi or pagination’ is the same thing or similar to the need for a good implementation of setlists.

On another note: I for myself do not want to use multiple individual presets for a song, because if I want to change anything in the base sound for this particular song I would have to update / change all presets that I use in that song. And on top of that I would have to check if all the other songs work with my updated preset. That’s why I tend to use one preset per song, with different scenes that cover all the needs for that one song. To make setlists build from presets workable for me it would need some kind of Global block-presets, that I can link to in the presets. That would ‘propagate’ changes to this block to all presets that use that block-preset.