In MiniVOicer, three options can be set in MODE: Major - Minor and Chromatic. I will not discuss the duplication of Major and Minor options (because C major = A minor, G major = E minor etc…) But I am struck by the Chromatic option. When I switch it on, the ROOT field turns gray (remains inactive), but nothing can be set there? Or???
In minivoicery, I really miss Harmonic minor, or the possibility to set a “user scale” with the possibility to program all 12 semitones. Or I just can’t find it???
With Kemper Profiler, I can create tables with scale parameters and thus create any (even imaginary) scale - here I have it processed:
Can someone explain to me the functionality of the CHROMATIC setting in MiniVoicery?
V MiniVOicery sa dajú nastaviť v MODE tri možnosti: Major - Minor a Chromatic. Nebudem rozoberať duplicitu Major a Minor možností (pretože C major = A minor, G major = E minor etc…) Ale zaráža ma možnosť Chromatic. Tam keď to prepnem, tak pole ROOT zošedivie (ostane neaktívne) ale tam sa nedá nič nastaviť? Alebo???
V minivoicery mi veľmi chýba harmonická moll, prípadne možnosť nastaviť si „užívateľskú stupnicu“ s možnosťou naprogramovať všetkých 12 poltónov. Alebo to len neviem nájsť???
Pri Kemper Profiler si viem vytvoriť tabuľky s parametrami stupníc a tak vytvoriť hocijakú (aj vymyslenú) stupnicu - tu to mám spracované:
Vysvetlí mi niekto funkcionalitu nastavenia CHROMATIC v MiniVoicery?
What you want to do is not yet possible in the MiniVoicer. There are feature requests open to expand this, which would be very important to me but always seems like a low priority for pedal makers to do this kind of thing.
And that’s why we have to buy another effect if I want to have this in my equipment or buy another device instead of Neural DSP, which would be a shame
A preto musíme dokupovať ďalší efekt, ak toto chcem v svojej výbave mať alebo kúpiť iné zariadenie namiesto Neural DSP, čo by bolo škoda
basically, it disables the harmonizing function and you then have 2 pitch-shifters.
Hopefully they’ll add more Mode options, but then we’re veering into MAXI-Voicer territory- maybe that’d be a whole new block. But that would certainly be much more DSP-intensive.
Will be interesting to see how they handle that effect when the Tim Henson Archetype gets ported to the QC
IF I want to deactivate MiniVoicer, I set it to BYPASS, I don’t need chromatic for that
Until they make a MAXIvoicer, it would be enough to add a single variant (at least until there is a MAXIvoicer), and instead of the “CHROMATIC” setting, make HARMONIC MINOR (they just need to take over the aiolian scale and adjust (increase) its 7th degree. With this one, I can make another scale by moving the KEY scales without building them in there.
AK by som chcel deaktivovať MiniVoicer, tak ho nastavím na BYPASS, na to neptrebujem chromatic
Kým urobia MAXIvoicer, stačilo by pridať jedinú variantu (aspoň kým bude nejaký MAXIvoicer) a to namiesto nastavenia “CHROMATIC” urobiť HARMONIC MINOR stačí im prevziať aiolian scale a upraviť - zvýšiť jej 7 stupeň. S tejto si viem posunutím KEY urobiť ďalšiu škálu stupníc bez toho aby ich tam zabudovali.