Midi issue with line 6, anyone else noticed anything?

I’m using my Nano in the loop of my line 6 HX effects. It’s working great so far but there’s one small issue. I’m using the hx to send midi pc messages to the nano, and it’s switching fine. When I was switching from one patch to another though, I was hearing a modulated delay trail even when I didn’t have delay selected on either patch.
It looks like it’s scrolling through other patches to get to the patch I’ve selected rather than jumping straight to it, so if I’m holding a chord or note when I switch, the split second that the patch with the delay is engaged, it generates the trails. I’ve managed to solve this for now by turning off all the effects on the patches I don’t use.
Is this me doing something wrong, is it a hx thing, or is this just how midi works?
I’ve spent a bit of time on Google but I’m no wiser.

any similar issues with other MIDI controllers? Anyone…? Anyone…? Bueller…? Anyone…?

Hi, I have the Hx one in front of my NC, and I don’t notice your problem. Do you update the firmware ? I had some midi issues but all is fine with the last update