How to change user name on captures (that I made)

I bought a new QC, and have made captures. Under my capture name is a name “OvalSmelt###” I think that was an auto-generated user name???

I have already changed my user name but all of my captures keep showing up as made by OvalSmelt!

Can I change this?

I am also interested in this as well as for self made presets.

I fixed the problem. I backed up my QC. I uploaded all of my captures and IR’s etc to the cloud. Reset my QC. Then when I re-synced to the cloud, the QC properly is now displaying the right name on the captures.


Sounds like a weird workaround and there should be a better way, but will try. Thanks!

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Bit late, but I had this issue with my recently-purchased QC - I followed the above methods which didn’t seem to help. However, after changing my name in my profile in the Cortex Control app and hitting unlink and then signing back in again, it seemed to resolve the issue. No more “AbruptBull” or whatever the default username was haha