Hey yall! Im trying to find the best way to chain my pedals into the quad cortex, as im real new to this. I have a Tallon Electric The Noise, KHDK LCFR and a Earthquaker devices Spatial. What’s the best way to fit these guys in? I can also forgo the earthquaker if its easier
Depends. Are you using any pitch effects in the QC? Also what other effects are in your QC chain?
You’ll want to use the FX Loop of the QC, but exact order of stuff depends what you have for other effects.
Usually I put drives before the quad and then use the effects loop on the quad for time based effects (Delay, reverb, etc) Obviously, you make prefer modulation (chorus/phaser etc) in front of the quad or in the loop depending on your preferences.
I have the transpose effect active for tuning and delay and reverb bypassed atm
The effects pedals you mentioned should be placed in the effects loop since you’re using Transpose. That effect should be first in your chain. Be careful to reduce the volume of the effects loop so it isn’t clipping. The effects loop in the QC boosts the signal almost 5 db (there’s threads on here that specify the exact amount for you to adjust).
The pedal order for what you mentioned should be- Tallon, KHDK, Spacial
You can chain them into the input, or make use of the 2 FX loops. The advantage of the FX loops is that you can then place the pedals anywhere in the signal chain. For example, you would put pitch before dirt, so you might put the lcfr → the noise into FX loop 1, then your scene would have Transpose → FX Loop 1 → Amp etc. If your dirt pedals were in separate loops, you could program your scenes for your lead / rhythm tones by turning the blocks on and off.
The user has a Transpose block, so the pedals will need to be in the effects loop