Help with installing controller

Brand new user. Getting the following screen during install on my computer:

(Loading Preset)
Never advances.
Can you redirect me to the proper forum resolution spot?



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I believe if you go here and download the update it will resolve: Cortex Control - Neural DSP

Hello, thank you. I did the download today, but no change. i read somewhere that some files couldbe in the wrong directory? Not sure howto look at that or if thatisthe problem at all.

are you on the latest CorOS for the QC? It was updated last week.
The QC and Cortex Control have to be updated separately everytime CorOS changes.

If both are updated, you might need to look at how you’re connecting thru USB. Direct computer port is best, powered hubs MIGHT work, and multiple monitors can interfere. Apparently the data transfer rate can cause problems with too many devices sharing the USB resources.
Are you on Mac or PC?