Help Needed with DAW Integration Issue

Hey everyone,

I’m reaching out because I’m having trouble integrating Neural DSP with my DAW. I keep encountering a “DAW Integration Issue” error every time I try to load the plugin.

When I was searching about this I came across these resources/articles DAW issues how to get ccsp certification Reddit - Dive into anything and as per them I tried following-

Here’s what I’ve tried so far to resolve the problem:

  1. Reinstallation: I’ve reinstalled the plugin to ensure that all files are correctly placed and up-to-date.
  2. Directory Check: Verified that the plugin is located in the correct directory for my DAW.
  3. DAW Update: Made sure that my DAW is running the latest version available.
  4. Plugin Rescan: I’ve tried rescanning for plugins within the DAW settings, but the issue persists.

Despite these steps, the error continues to show up. I’ve also checked some general troubleshooting guides, but nothing seems to address this specific issue.

Has anyone else faced a similar problem? Any suggestions or solutions that might help would be greatly appreciated. Whether it’s a workaround, a setting adjustment, or something I might have overlooked, I’m open to all ideas.

Thanks a bunch for any assistance you can provide!

Best Regards,

I am not familiar with that but looking at the post, two pieces of information might be incredibly helpful:
Are you running MacOS or windows?
What DAW are you using?

That might help other people chime in with concrete suggestions

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yep- need to know:
operating system?
iLok config?