Gojira X UI - preset menu

First of all thank you Neural DSP for the update of the Gojira Plugin, it’s amazing.
I have noticed one little issue in the Mac version (I do not have a pc one) regarding the UI.
When you open the menu of the presets, the list goes on two columns… if you open a submenu of one of the two columns, the items (the presets) are hard to separate from the other column list…

I’m uploading a picture to show the problem :slight_smile:

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Yes, a fix would be great!

I didn’t notice this bug, but I have something else:

  1. We can change the preset by using arrows, but is possible only by clicking the mouse button, which is a little uncomfortable when you are playing and need to move your hand from the guitar to the mouse all the time if you want just change the preset, try them etc. When you don’t have the foot controller, it would be great to change the next/previous preset by using arrow keys on your keyboard. Or maybe it is possible to map, but I don’t know how?

  2. We can load the preset from the file, but can’t search them on the presets list. When you are trying presets, you can note the best for you, but there is so hard back to them using names. You always need expand the list and preview all the list and waste the time instead search the name and set it.