Expression Pedal Indicator

Some kind of visible display for expression pedal position.

I play a lot of touring musical theatre and we often need to have very specific volume levels for certain parts of music.

Is it possible to have a feature that displays a number between. 1-10 for instance linked to expression / volume pedal position. Kind of like the Kenton meter will do on midi pedals.

I use the expression pedal a lot. I’m not sure NDSP ever considers about this feature, but it would be awesome with the next update.

If I see the exact % position of the expression pedal on the screen I would be more confident on stage. Maybe it doesn’t have anything to do with whammy or wah, but I control reverb and delay mixes, octave effects etc.

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This is actually a great idea!


I use both jacks all the time, controlling reverbs, delays, tremolo speed and a filter.

I’m playing devils advocate here, but can’t a person just hear where the pedal is at?

I’m not saying this isn’t a good suggestion, just curious.

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Well thread is two years old but I’ll just add in I use a Hotone Soul Press 2 and it has indicator lights on the side. 4 lights to indicate position. Might not be fine tuned enough for you King but it is a good pedal too. I use as a Wah/Vol but you can also use as an expression pedal.

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For sure everybody can hear the difference. It’s just ease of use imho, seeing the % is better instead of putting a position by heart and by ears. When I use the reverb mix and want to add so few % of reverb it’s being not easy as it seems the very first 2-3% of the expression range is still useless and doesn’t engage the effect.

I admit it’s not a killer feature, just would be nice to see it on the touch screen always on :slight_smile:


That makes perfect sense.


Yes totally, I came on to suggest this! It seems a bit of a niche application on the face of it but it’s massively useful, particularly where you described.

Wouldn’t be a bad add on for that market too, I don’t think any of the other units people use have that, always end up rigging a Kenton….

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Bump to the top, as this is still badly needed.

Same here, I would be happy to see such feature to be added.