Concerns around how captures work on Cortex Cloud

No news yet. I will write them again in a few days and will keep you up to date.


Any news regarding this subject? My main presets are based on third-party captures and I’m worried that a future factory restore (and the user deletes the capture) render my presets void and unusable.

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The capture process has always been: Once you save a capture and back up (locally or to the cloud) the capture is yours. Per NDSP, as long as those 3rd party captures are saved in a backup, you will have access to those captures. NDSP does not allow 3rd party captures to be re-uploaded if you aren’t the author therefore the only way to ensure you have access to 3rd party captures is to create them or complete a backup. Additionally if the 3rd party author deletes the capture(s) and you haven’t backup up prior to factory reset etc., you would obviously lose those captures.


OK great! So, as long as I have a backup of a preset with a capture, that capture will always be available for me, even if original uploader deletes it?

But, If I upload that preset to cloud and the original user have deleted the capture, other users won’t be able to download my preset fully? If I understood correctly.

Correct, and that has been the rules since day one as far as I am aware. The other thing to note is if a 3rd party creator deletes, renames or changes (overwrites) the capture you could be impacted unless you backup. I have had some great 3rd party captures that were deleted before I had a chance to backup so I try to backup frequently especially now that you can backup locally via Co Co


Great tip! I will perform another backup tonight just in case. Many thanks @MP_Mod for the explanation.

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No worries. Glad to help! I’ll leave this open as there may be more questions but that is the basics.

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So the capture will be deleted locally on my device (if it’s connected to the Internet) when the creator deletes it as long as I did not perform a backup including a preset containing this specific capture? Weird. Or did I misunderstood your second sentence?

Anyway: This is something that has to be added to the manual asap.

No, it won’t be removed from your machine; if your machine was “wiped” (accidentally or by factory reset) and you had no backup you would lose them.


Yes you misunderstood (or I miscommunicated) but no, it obviously won’t be removed locally as @xush indicated. This is the same rules/actions from day 1 etc., nothing has really changed in that aspect.

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Cool it’s that way since day one. Not cool that it isn’t written down anywhere since day one.

Agreed! I think I have heard the same question pop up every few months which points out the obvious that it should be simply documented within the manual. Note that I did escalate this thread to support for reference/suggestion etc. Thanks for the feedback!

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