Features I’d like to see in Quad Cortex eventually. These should probably be posted separately, but I had them in a collected list.
** Indicates higher priority
**Footswitch control multiple blocks and parameter min/max values
**Ability to set input level and impedance on lane input block
**Multi-input selection on each path
**double tap to quickly bypass a block in any mode, needed for efficient patch editing
Meters for compressor gain reduction
Configurable MIDI receive for any global or patch parameter
More fuzz pedals
SPD/IF I/O (hardware feature)
Separate IR block with option for dual IRs up to to 2048 samples or 42 msec
Support wet/dry mix control on IR block (for acoustic IRs that need to blend with the piezo pickup)
**Local storage for presets, captures, IRs and Backups
More low to medium gain boutique amplifiers (Trainwreck, Two Rock, Dumble)
Global output EQ
EQ block has dB/frequency grid to show boost/cut in dB and frequency
Stereo compressors
Allow editing stomp button labels
Looper and optional looper mode (for multi-switch looper without loosing stomp/scene switches)
Computer editor app
Don’t automatically assign footswitches to blocks, this is almost never correct
Patch/Scene/Preset indicator always visible when editing parameters of a block. You always need to know what will happen when you press a button so you need to see the mode indicator when the block edit dialog is displayed
Have generic modes where any switch can be stomp or scene with up to 4 switch banks per preset (not just 2)
Global option to use preset up/down switches as extra stomp switches unless in preset mode - addresses the issue of unintended patch changes when pressing the D switch in a live setting while in stomp or scene mode.
Harmonic Tremolo is highly desired
Automatically detect mono input (left or right) and mix stereo out to mono
Polly effects need improvement to reduce artifacts, intermodulation
Intelligent Harmonizer effect is highly desired
**Option for speed sync to tempo on Tremolo and other modulation effects that have speed controls (so the speed can be changed with the tap tempo switch)
MIDI Thru should work with MIDI DIN and across USB MIDI, i.e., MIDI Thru for DIN should also be sent to USB MIDI out.
Speed up expression pedal tracking to reduce the tracking latency
Different icons or labels for captures to identify them
Ability to move capture block tone controls individually to be pre or post capture (gain is always pre, volume is always post)
Ability to change capture in a capture block from a scene
Independent LFO for top and bottom of Leslie block
Mix control on Leslie block so its possible to blend with the dry guitar speaker (using parallel paths to do this seemed to cause some low end cancellation issues)
In Gig mode, allow mapping of rotary encoders to block parameters
When downloading a preset, do it deep - i.e., also download referenced IRs and captures if available.
fix the grounding issue so powering off QC does not lift grounds into powered cabinets
Good list - I agree to **ratings and would add for ** rating:
Global Output EQ
Improvement of Poly effects
Downloading presets with IR and captures
Different icon or labels for captures
Another thing I would add… some sort of all pass filter and very short simple delay, that can be used for phase alignment and correction. Especially when combining a Bass DI and Cab sound, those tools are super valuable. Little Labs IBP is a great example of this.
You might need different impedance setting for different lanes if you have different instruments plugged into them, or the patch has a block like a fuzz that prefers to present a low impedance to the guitar in order to get the correct tone.
Impedance needs to be settable on the lane input block in order to match different instruments to different first blocks.
By local storage, I mean in the file system of your local computer, not the cloud. I don’t necessarily want to backup or store patches always in the cloud. The preferred approach would be through a PC editor, or by having the QC appear as a drive when connected with USB.
It’s a good point, but as the impedance setting is a HW feature of input 1 & 2 only (the return inputs have fixed impedance), I’d suggest to NDSP to make input box 1 & 2 “long-pressable”, with an impedance knob which value is saved with the preset and overrides the setting in the I/O page. However I can see such a feature could be confusing…
I would like to be able to use the same expression pedal alternately as a volume pedal and as a wah. Something like this: Volume → Switch → Wah → Switch → Volume and so forth. That is, I would like to be able to select via a footswitch (possibly also externally) whether the connected expression pedal is used either as a volume pedal or as a wah. That would be pretty darn cool!
that would be attached storage. local storage is storage on the QC itself. You want to be able to download everything onto an attached storage device. FYI, backups in the cloud are way more durable than your PC.
The only way I see this making sense if if you have a PC editor and you can to be able to sit and tweaks presets on your PC. Otherwise, it is not very meaningful.
You can use an expression pedal for more than one thing as long as (typically) only one of the blocks is on at a time. For example, you could configure the same expression pedal to control a Wah and Rotary speed as long as you don’t usually have both blocks on at the same time. There of course could be cases where you do want to control two things together, perhaps a delay time and pitch shift for example.
What you can’t do is use the expression pedal for more than one thing independently if the pedal is also used with Heel/Toe to control block bypass. This is because when you move the pedal the block will turn on.
Excellent list. The QC, bar the excellent raw sounds and easy UI really does feel a bit bare, unfinished and disappointing in terms of under the hood user functions.
Implementing things from this curated list would definitely bring it closer to what I was expecting
Yes! Very good list indeed! Those of us using the QC know how great it sounds AND feels! But I’ve just packed mine up and put it in the closet to punish it for not being flexible enough I am completely frustrated with how closed the switching system is, i.e. the inability to turn the blocks on/off WITHOUT them being assigned to a switch! I’ve wanted to use the expression jacks for pedals but I find the ONLY WAY to control the on/off status of blocks NOT used in a scene is to assign them to the expression jacks and use a switch. I know that there are those out there that say “8 scenes should be enough” but I like to control things like delay and boost separately. So my QC will remain in the closet and it’s back to the FM9 for me until things improve.