Capture icons?

i am new to the cortex world. I am not sure about the meannig of the icons. The default Capture one refers to a wholel signal chain, amp/cab/microphone or it could be something else ? For example the martin miller ac30ish, there is no infos.

The ‘Default Capture’ icon was the only one available before CorOs 2.0.

But, it was way too ‘generic’ , because it would not allow to know if the capture was a ‘pedal capture’ , an ‘Amp only capture (no cab)’ an ‘Amp+Cab capture’ , etc…

After 2.0 , several distinct ‘capture icons’ were added in order for the person who made the capture indicate if it is a raw amp capture (amp only) , a pedal capture, a amp+cab , and so on… (still, some persons are too lazy to choose the ‘correct’ capture icon for new captures… even today we can find ‘generic icon’ captures on Cortex Cloud)

Check this : Appendix - Quad Cortex Wiki for the signification of each icon.