Capture error?

Hello, I’m trying to capture my deluxe reverb amp but keep getting the following error. “There was an error during the sanity check stage. Detected level signal was too high. Please go back to calibration screen and make sure that the level meters are at an optimal level.” I watched a bunch of videos on how to do a capture before I attempted this capture. If I understand this correctly when setting the gain level blue LED’s are too low a signal green is best and red too high. They said you want to aim for a full circle of green LED’s without going into any red. So with my Ibanez AZ tele I have to turn the gain up to 20.0dB, and have the boost on the side ON to get a full circle of green, and then I get the above error. I have an sm57 just off the grill, off axis pointed at the transition of the voice coil and the cone. I was able to do a capture with the capture gain turned way down but I barely even have any blue LED’s. Any help would be very much appreciated!! I must be doing something wrong. Thanks in advance!!

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I had this same issue, and it took 4 attempts to finally capture my Marshall head & cab. When I was testing the level, it showed all green and occasionally 1 spot of blue, but never red.
Surprised no one has responded to this.

Thanks for your response! I gave up on it and am going to stick to my tube amp.