Banks of Scenes with Presets

New to the QC here. Love it, but it’s obviously not perfect. Here’s my main complaint and something I think would not only fix it, but drastically improve the way the unit functions.

What is called a Preset (or Song) is what I would consider a Rig and I would consider Scenes as presets within that Rig. It doesn’t make sense to me to load into an entirely new Rig or signal chain (Preset) every song or even within the same set. I often accidentally do this when trying to push to the two foot switches when trying to switch modes, causing all the audio to cut mid song and then having to load back into the preset I was in.

It makes far more sense to have banks of Scenes within a Preset and cycle through them with the bank foot switches- so you’re in the same “Rig” but you’re selecting different groups of pedals, changing the settings, BPMs, etc… Then if I want to change Presets, I could long hold the bank foot switch.

This would allow users to essentially put an entire set of songs within a Preset- no more loading new Presets every time you want another set of Scenes. No more accidental Preset switching when trying to change modes that cuts all off your delay/verb trails. This seems like an easy fix and change in the organizational structure of the QC.

What do you all think? Who is using an entirely different rig every song? How do you all get around this?