Auto tune

For (electric?) bag pipes sure! Naah just kidding, love 'em pipes. :green_heart: :wink:


If the audio interface (in QC) will go 24/192 - then it may have even autotune (I assume then people will use it as primary audio interface in - at lest - their home studios).

But - I just >detuned<< my guitar and for 30 seconds I was playing it on my PC with autotune on. Nooo… :joy:

voted! would be a cool option to have, the more the better! i really like the effect on modern vocal tracks

There’s the T-Pain/Cher stuff and then there is the very SUBTLE pitch correction that just about everyone uses when recording, or even when playing live. I would find pitch correction useful if it didn’t require too much DSP.

Voted! I read the entire manual yesterday and QC mentions that they will add a plethora of vocal effects in the future.

In my opinion intelligent tuning, doubling and harmonies are must-haves for this unit and despite all the “guitar and bass only” clowns continuing to harp about this the QC was designed to be an all-in-one unit that can process multiple different instruments including guitar, bass, vocals and piano to name a few. Just because you don’t know how to sing and play at the same time don’t take it out on those who do.

To be clear autotune and Melodyne are used both subtly and aggressively on 99% of what you hear on the radio. Just because you don’t know how to use it doesn’t mean we don’t! It is a tool the same as any guitar pitch octaver, compressor, modulation or delay. If you don’t know how to use it I highly suggest that you learn because it will help you on numerous sources that are not simply limited to vocals.

Now let’s upvote these features for autotune support! VOTE VOTE VOTE!

What an absurd take. Use the tools or don’t. There are countless reasons to use auto tune that don’t constitute “cheating” or whatever. I think ring modulators sound stupid but I’m not gonna sell my pedal if they update the ring modulator effects.


Auto tuners aren’t free and they take up space. But I am curious why would you use one on a guitar input and I guess for gigging since in a studio you could use a DAW to do it. I would HATE to have an auto tune grabbing a note I was purposely not bending to the actual note frequency trying to squeeze that emption out of it. I’ve never used one before even on vocals.

You wouldn’t probably use it on a guitar input. You’d use it for vocals. Because the unit has two Mic inputs, one could be for an actual mic, and you can add reverb and effects to your vocals as well. I think Neural even mentioned eventually having a set of dedicated effects for vocals at some point.


There are several formant mix knobs for intelligent pitch shifters that allow you to dial in the subtlety or severity of the effect. It actually has a lot of uses and isn’t simply limited to hard tuning. You can get very creative with it on numerous sources, not simply vocals. Since you have never used one before I would highly encourage checking one out and learning its features. Similar to any effect you have to learn what it’s good for and how to properly use it in order to get the most out of it.

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I would suscribe to the “respect” aspect of this whole discussion.
I would also agree with the fact that, for a guitar, you do not need a “pitch correction” effect. There are already blocks that can give you this effect. And if you are not looking for the effect, but really for something that would make you play in tune, then you need to learn how to tune your guitar, or bend in tune, or both.

As for vocal processing, I get that it is sometimes used as a vocal effect, which I don’t like personally, but I respect it. I don’t think that it is the point of the QC to embed this kind of things. If you want to use this during your recording sessions, use a dedicated plugin, there are lots of them.

Now, if you need this to really sing in tune, well, go learn how to sing (but I don’t think this was the purpose of the future request).

Peace :stuck_out_tongue:

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Last night I discovered on Tab 2 of the Minivoicer a ton of key-based tuning settings including glissando speed, major, minor and chromatic options. I had no idea these options were there and they work extremely well. I would like to see expanded options such as auto-key detection and additional auto-harmonization implementations, but I would say this is a great start. I think this second tab of options is often overlooked because it is pretty inconspicuous. Let me know how you’re using the options on this second tab.


OP Here: It’s happening!


Will you follow through with your plan?


I use my QC with a theremin and a synth all the time, so any notion that this is only meant for guitar or bass is incredible short sighted.

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Personally, I can’t wait for this feature to be implemented. You could say that this was one of the reasons I decided to get the QC after CorOS was announced. I Used a TC Helicon Voicelive when I had my Helix (BOTH ARE WAY TOO BIG) then got the Headrush Core, since it has autotune included, but I wasn’t satisfied with the guitar chains I could make, and signal paths were very limited. Used an HX Stomp combined with a Hotone Ampero II for a while, with a Flamma Corrector pedal.

Got the QC, and still use the Corrector, but really can’t wait until I can delete it from my board.

Vocal Pitch correction is a tool…simple as that. I sing and play guitar on Sundays, and there are days that a person’s voice is just “off.” If anything, having the pitch corrected provides a sense of confidence in my singing. It’s hard enough to concentrate on playing guitar and singing at the same time…Psychologically, the pitch correction eases the mind a bit.


Haha this is the best comment I have seen all day. Looks like the update will kill two birds with one stone. :grin:

I wonder if the doubler will include a harmonizer. Fingers crossed!

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Ridiculous!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s such a ‘snobbish’ attitude - are you also saying that unless we’re all writing and performing our own compositions with a full 5-piece (at least) band, then we’re not good enough or professional enough to own and use a QC?
Are you also saying there is no place too therefore for the widely requested ability to save / load loops as backing tracks (as you can with the Headrush units) in the QC? Because that would be simply beneath such a high-level professional piece of equipment?

I think you should consider the fact that not all QC owners have a full band behind them, and are professional singers. Some of us are amateurs that play for the love of it, and don’t get paid, and aren’t professional singers, but would still like to enhance our performance a little. Is using reverb on a singers voice cheating too?

I think you need to open your mind a little; if such a thing was added, it doesn’t mean you have to use it.

People can change their minds in as little as 60 seconds, you just replied to a 2 year old post, they may be a completely different person by now, and it is added, in the last update. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:
just sayin! :disguised_face: