Assign Foot Switch in reverse mode

I mean, the possibility to choose between Off/On or On/Off, so when I assign multiple devices to a single footswitch I can Activate a module and deactivate another one

You can already do this. Just assign both blocks to the same footswitch, and then save your preset with one block active and the other bypassed.


Sorry to revive an old thread, but this seems like a related question… What decides the LED behavior when I have multiple blocks assigned to the same footswitch (with some reversed)?

For example, if I set up a footswitch to turn ON blocks X and Y and turn OFF block Z in position 1, that footswitch then turns OFF blocks X and Y and turns ON block Z when I press it (position 2). The state of the footswitch LED as well as the tile on the screen (in Stomp/Gig mode) will toggle on and off as I press the footswitch. That is all great. The LED indicator, however, seems to be unpredictable. Sometimes the state of the LED (and tile) will follow block X, sometimes it follows block Y, sometimes it follows block Z. It may follow one block for a bit, then decide to follow another block later.

There is probably some pattern or relationship that I am missing. Is there a way to set (or at least know) which block will control the LED behavior when multiple blocks are assigned to the same footswitch?

I want to be able to look down at my QC and be confident I know what state it is in.