Any FRFR speaker recommandation for Quad Cortex?


I’m currently investigating for a pair of FRFR monitors for my QC (I’m currently using Headphone exclusively - a BeyerDynamic DT-770 Pro 80 Ohms)

The Kali LP-6 2nd Wave seems to be a good product , but could’t find anyone that uses them with a QC …
Any thoughts ?


I’ve been using the Laney LFR-212 since June '21. It’s lightweight, loud enough for gig environments and generally looks the best of all the FRFR cabs on the market right now. It certainly holds up in relation to a 4x12 cab on a stage!

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The way you phrase your question makes me think you think about it the wrong way. Because there is no FRFR speaker (or any speaker for that matter) that works “better” or “worse” with the QC than with any other modeler or effect pedal.
You choose a speaker that works with your amp and that can than “reproduce” the tone you desire and works with the instrument you are using. Obviously design, budget and other factors matter as well, but just speaking about the sound, those are the two factors.
The QC however is neither an amp or a certain style of music. It only creates the tone you want it to.
I hope that makes sense :wink:

Thanks for your feedback,
In fact I also considered the Laney LFR-212 :slight_smile:

My bad, I should have been more specific. (and as you certainly have guessed, English is not my native language)

In fact, I’m well aware of the FRFR behaviour and the fact that a modeler is not a guitar cab, but a ‘amp+cab’ simulator, hence the need for FRFR speakers in order to be able to reproduce accurately any cab…

I would rephrase my question as :

  • Is there anyone here that owns the Kali LP-6 2nd wave ? Is it a good FRFR speaker ?

Because all FRFR speakers are not created equals :thinking:

I’ve used the laney - its pretty good. not very loud. im preferring an orange pedal baby 100 at the moment into a standard guitar cab and losing the cab sim on the cortex. thats the best sounds I’ve managed to get out of the quad cortex. really does sound and feel like a real amp. I don’t like the response of the FRFRs.


FRFRs are basically PA’s, so somewhat portable, sit on the floor, and they’re mono

The Kali LP6’s are studio monitors meant to sit on a desk and used for mixing/mastering

You can certainly use either an FRFR or studio monitors with the QC but it’s tough to pin down what you’re actually looking to buy. Do you really want an FRFR to use as your own personal monitor wedge or are you looking for a pair of stereo speakers for when you’re sitting at a desk?

I should have been more precise.

Basically , I don’t need / want a ‘very loud’ PA system, juste a pair of good quality ‘bedroom’ FRFR speakers for my QC. Until now , I used only Headphones, but I would like to be able to have a better stereo image …

So, in the end, what I really need is only a pair of good stereo speakers.

Okay, so we are not talking about FRFR speakers here, but monitor speakers.
If your main interest is to play guitar through your QC, I think that a good pair of open headphones and/or a small combo easily beats monitor speakers, except if you invest a lot. And not just in monitors, but in room acoustics.
I own a pair of Adam T5V and the T10s, and I really like them for mixing or listening to music, but when it comes to playing, I much prefer to play through a real cab or some headphones.

If it’s studio monitors you’re after, the LP6’s are a great budget option. Loads of discussions and reviews and demos online of studio monitor comparisons. There will be nothing about the QC that changes the opinion on which one will work best for your room. You can broaden your search criteria to simply thinking “which studio monitors are in my budget” and relying on reviews. Kali, Adam Audio, Yamaha… all make wonderful products, but the tough part is you don’t know if you will like them until you get them in your room and try them.

thanks for your explanations, I used to think that a good Studio Monitor have to be as neutral as possible (hence the ‘FRFR’ tag) , but ‘FRFR’ seems to be more related to Guitar Cab than Studio Monitors.

Thanks again.

I think that for my need the Kali LP6 2nd Wave is the sweet spot , as I tend to practice with backing tracks…
I really don’t need a lot of volume (*in fact, my ears are pretty sensitives to loud noises, plus I’m pretty bad at guitar, I don’t want to annoy too many people :sweat_smile: *) , I prefer to have a good stereo image , and my current Headphone (DT-770 Pro 80 Ohms) are fine, but I tested my QC through my (old) HIFI system and the stereo image was really impressive since the speakers are 3m apart, I found the sound to be more ‘amp like’ than with my Headphone …

I can always order a pair of Kali LP-6 via Thomann and return them if they don’t fit my need :slight_smile:

Thanks for your response.


I’m using 2 Headrush 108 and they work very well for my needs. I’ve used them with Fractal AX8, Atomic Amplifire and Kemper and now with QC. There is also one 108 in the rehearshal room, so very good for me.

When recording at home I plug the Daw to a pair of JBLs LSR305, but only for recording. For playing, 108s, and I play backing tracks, when needed, through the hifi system.

Live I use IEM, so…

Hi Ben,
An easy thing to try is to route the quad cortex into the front end (or effects loop return) of a real amp set clean. This really works for me although i have no concern about accuracy of the amp model/preset or any intention to gig etc. I just want to get a tone I’m happy with and find this is the perfect ‘amp in the room’ feel.
I’ll probably get slaughtered for being such a philistine (not sure of spelling :blush:) but I still can’t get my ears to enjoy FRFR. Obviously discount this suggestion if you are recording etc where you need to avoid colouring the tone when monitoring. I tried plugging into a small Blackstar HT1 and loved it and the setup takes very little space. Very subjective of course but only takes a minute to try with any amp you have at home and it may also work for you!