I downloaded Tone King Imperial MKII a couple days ago.
It is likely operator error, but it sounds pretty bad, and the tuner doesn’t work.
I’m using a good cable and have adjusted input gain, but it still sounds pretty bad.
My chain is:
Guitar → Fireface UC → Logic Pro running on a mac studio
Thanks for any advice!
December 1, 2024, 9:26pm
Have a look at this recent thread:
Could be due to (1) lack of headroom or (2) lack of processing power. To cure 1, reduce the input level of your audio interface, possibly to it’s minimum setting.
For 2, start by closing any other process-intensive apps like your DAW, video editor etc. and see if the plugin works OK in standalone mode. If so then you could try adding more memory to your computer. I had to double my laptop’s memory from 8GB to 16GB to have plugins work within my DAW without crackling.
I turned the input level of the audio interface to its minimum setting, and I’m running a new mac studio and it’s not breaking a sweat with this (under 10% utilization).