Quad Cortex - issue: Change in sound when changing the total volume

Problem/issue with Quad Cortex: Change in sound when changing the total volume

Basically, the sounds of my Quad Cortex are fine. I use the XLR outputs to go directly into the PA (in my home studio from the mixer to Yamaha HS80 speakers and Yamaha HS10W subwoofer).

However, one critical point irritates me somewhat: if you change the overall volume on the volume wheel, not only does the volume of the preset change, but in my opinion the sound also changes, i.e. if I increase the overall volume from 70% to 100%, for example, the treble component becomes significantly stronger and more harsh and aggressive. At 70% (my favourite volume), the sound character is balanced and optimal. If I go further down with the volume wheel (e.g. 50%), the sound becomes duller.

Is this just my subjective impression or do others have a similar impression?

sounds like fletcher munson effect?


or to be clearer, maybe try the following: record a di track and reamp that with both volume settings. align the tracks and invert the polarity of one. see if there’s any sound at all

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the Main Volume wheel only attenuates the level, it doesn’t affect the tone.