Quad Cortex Development Update #48 - PCOM beta

Funny thing : this is exactly what your comment did to me :scream:


Whats the deal with posts in this thread being hidden today? lol

Didn’t seem like anything crazy? But maybe it was info that shouldn’t have been released???

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Or somebody felt stepped on their toes.
I also think it was nothing too bad. If it was a manually hidden by someone: Over-moderation isn’t cool either :person_shrugging:

Maybe number 50 won’t be the announcement we are looking for? I don’t get it either.

I heard NDSP got bought by Zoom and is waiting for the deal to finalize before releasing the update.

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lol what? Is that real?

uhhh what did it say?

No guys
The delay Is due the Fractal joint venture.
Freuctal DSP at the end of year.

regarding the MIDI in a separate update
that’s exactly what I was saying earlier. In COR 3.0, there are a lot of great things being updated, but they are not all mutually related. I’d imagine that they have a team working on PCOM, a team working on Side Chaining, a Team working on The Pitch Correction device, a team working on MIDI updates.

What I wonder is why do we have to wait for one team to finish their responsibility for the release of the features that have possibly been polished completely for months. I really can’t imagine that it’s one team working on ALL things, and that ALL things are not ready for release. All of the features I mentioned are independant of all of the others
So why not smaller more frequent updates that include one or 2 completed, tested features, rather than one giant, feature packed update that is waiting on one team to complete their task? It would certainly keep us quieter

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I got the impression this is a ground up rewrite so the foundations all those modules are built on is changing too, so they can’t be released piecemeal, it’s all or nothing
 future updates probably would happen as you describe.

I could be 100 % wrong though, it won’t be the first time. :slight_smile:


Would be easy enough for Neural to state that to it’s valued customers.

That’s the problem. NDSP doesn’t value its customers. Otherwise they’d stop lying and be more honest.

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In 2 days it’ll be 3 weeks. WHATS UP??!

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-5 day remaining

Guys, “weeks but not months” could mean 7 weeks ans 6 days

Sorry :smiling_face_with_tear:


My issue is we get updates about updates instead of updates. Whoever steers this company may want to hire someone for public relations that knows how to communicate with people. No boasting promises, no cheap talk, just solid commitment to customer satisfaction and the ever improving and evolving product that we are all here about and that we spent our hard earned money on.


If you are able in sharc programming you can help them, it seems easy