Parametic EQ and a Furman PQ3/4

Hello everyone,

I’m trying to get close to the Dimebag tone. There are some examples of the settings on the Internet or on YouTube. Apart from whether they are really correct, I have two questions:

Can the Quad Cortex’s Parametic 9 scales and settings be compared to the Furman’s? Has anyone tried any interesting settings yet?

Best regards

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In theory, no EQ should color the signal, only boost/attenuate the altered frequencies, so for me the final resuilt is the same and if it varies, it is imperceptible.

Edit: It would be great to achieve Dime’s tone!

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Thanks for your answer. That makes sense. I’ll share my results here when I’m halfway satisfied :slight_smile:

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So, I’ve now tried different settings and RGs. The captures of the Ranndall RG100, which you can download here, are not the real thing. So I used other amps. Try it out. It’s not the original sound, but you can play some Pantera songs well with it.

Presets search:


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Nice man!! Thanks! I will try them for shure! :skull_and_crossbones:

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