Hi, i couldn’t seem to find a post regarding new amp models ideas, feel free to delete this if there’s already one.
Firstly Neural as to and will surely take care of the models missing from launch, but afterwards me personally would like to see some new models like: two rock, dumble.
Maybe would be a good idea to give them some ideas for which models people want the most.
I want to see a mesa IIc+ at some point, a dumble sss and od. if not that a two notes for clean, edge of break up, and medium gain. I also love to see an or120 by orange or a matamp. some fender brownface models or even a suhr hombre. I definetley would love to see a trainwreck amp, or some zwreck or zwreck jr
Oh yes :), as said in the first post, firstly they should hack away onto the promises, and then afterwards they can add new things. But no harm in making a list of most requested so that they target them first on that new phase.
I would like to get some ENGL Amps (Something that i miss a lot), having captures of them is great but they are not that manipulable like a modeled one. The switches and all that modes like the Friedman has.
One of these and i would be much more than happy
Engl Powerball
Engl Savage
This is a great thread, but due to the nature of the feature request forum and voting, you would be better off creating a thread for each of the amps you want (without spamming) so that others can vote and the threads can be closed if/when those amps are added. There are and will be a lot of great suggestions in this thread, but it’s much easier if we can rank suggestions by their votes/popularity