Neural Capture: accuracy enhancements to keep up with competition (ToneX, NAM etc)

My post was not directed to the original topic, but to @mattheweveringham’s answer, maybe I should have made it more clear.
But even when re-looking at your original post: you say that the QC is so easily overtaken by new products. I think this will constanty happen now when you see which kind of revolution AIs are currently creating. We will see a lot of new products with new and more powerful AIs soon. So I think it’s normal and not the fault of Neural.

Nevertheless, I think your request that Neural could upgrade the AI algorithms in a future update is totally valid and makes sense.


Guess the choice of words like the ongoing “disappointing” are hitting a nerve by many who cut themselves open in public every time they get the chance, and some of us are getting tired of it. It’s got nothing to do with the device. It’s pain talking.
As stated, but you didn’t see it, there’s no fanboying in saying one would sell any unit that didn’t satisfy to a certain extent.

[Edit:] Might be that had you explained your correspondence with Neural you would have validated your suggestion, bypassing some of the doubts :pray:t3:.



Hi Squad Cortex

Might have come out too coarse yesterday evening. To those it may concern it wasn’t me hurting you, you were already in pain and hurting yourself. Saw it as necessary to address exactly how it works. To stop it dead on its tracks right there.

Understanding pain very well I know how it is to be taken over and controlled by it. As @andyjcp already stated; it’s not the QC that feeds this pain, it’s already there inside us, finding problems whereever it goes. Been there, hell, sometimes (tho seldom) fall back into it as well, so I see the real you behind the clouds too. And there’s so much good knowledge there, so much to offer.

There are many ways of showing vulnerability. Complaining is one of them. It’s not tuff. Nothing wrong with it as long as we see it and learn from it afterwards. Daring to be consciously vulnerable is something else. True strength. Not the victim kinda complaining either, but the open accepting it kind. You’ll see you’ll find acceptance and a listening ear by that in here.

Wish you all well :smiling_face:.



People have a right to an opinion, it’s not crazy to think that with the eventual ability to have a desktop editor and hopefully eventual proper preset sharing that isn’t done in some monopoly style fashion, that it’s ok to keep it and wait. I wouldn’t use nam live as there is no hardware box for it. I bought the quad to eventually use live and i have a right to take umbridge with decisions i dislike or wasn’t aware of at the time. You act like everybody has to be on the bandwagon to express their views otherwise it’s “damaging” the community or something. I look forward to updates and hope they take onboard the required comments by people who have gripes, that is how products and companies grow and learn what is really being asked instead of just fanboys who are like “nope everything is amazing, really guys, well done”

I already said that the addition of the desktop editor will make it useable for me as i dislike endless swiping on the touchpad which is great but can be a bit tiring, it’s a very cool feature for adjustments live im sure but i love tweaking with a mouse, there is nothing wrong with that.

As for sending it back, i couldn’t, i was away for longer than expected and missed the monthly return,but as i said im not even sure i would. I still think the quad sounds good and have pretty much just been waiting for a desktop editor and more intelligent form of preset management i’e similar to virtually every other single guitar modelling/profiling hardware or software in existence.

I shouldn’t have said the competition is better, it’s not that simple nams abilities are clearly superior in some ways and lacking in others. The QC is much more polished in many respects and think it will likely stay that for a long time. I just hope neural decide to make the selling of captures easier for the great guys who know how to really make them, and the desktop editor comes soon. With way more captures on the market and the editor, nam will likely become the annoying and fiddly thing you need to mess with too much and the Quad the easier and more robust.
Nothing i say is hateful or out of anything other than wanting to enjoy things more

hey man, yeah i couldn’t due to the return window, as i said in another post i probably wouldn’t anyway, i just want to be able to use a desktop editor first and foremost and want to see a boom in captures that aren’t relegated to the cortex cloud. I don’t see the point in selling it when i can’t fully gauge how useful it is to me yet given all the promised things coming for it. I figured i’ll wait until those come and then make my final judgement and either keep or sell.
I understand if your experience is nothing like mine, we all have different needs :smiley:

They probably won’t allow content sharing outside Cortex Cloud, but they will probably make it possible to sell content on the Cloud. I just personally find it weird that someone would keep a nearly 2k piece of hardware that they found useless just lying around

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Thanks for the explanation, which obviously you don’t owe me. Your opinion is at least as good as mine.
I don’t know why I’m triggered so much by posts like yours and words like “useless”, “waste of money”, “greed-based”.
It’s difficult for me, don’t know why.
I guess I’m just getting too old for any kind of social media and all the negativity. I am fully ok with requesting features like this one for AI improvements, but for whatever reason I just can’t take the negativity in some posts.
Will take a good pause on this forum and rethink…
Peace :slight_smile:


@Andyjcp don’t make that break too long ya hear :grinning:
You’ll be missed.


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Thanks a lot, much appreciated.
“I’ll be back” (with Arnie’s voice) :slight_smile:


to be fair my post was pretty negative, just venting i guess. I was probably harsher than i should have been, i guess it’s just odd not having certain functions that all other modeller and vsts have. It likely comes more from having used virtually everything, bias, amplitube, thermionik etc and just thinking “this thing is so much better, why doesn’t it do this stuff that the others all did”
My comment on it being useless is wrong, as is my waste of money comment as it’s subjective and i only feel like that because i already have a kemper which i know inside out and have always gigged with, so this comment obviously applies to me and not everybody else who don’t have the things i have, so i concede that totally.

I stand by the greed based comment because i still don’t think it makes any fair sense to cut out the dozens of amazing preset/profile making companies that made the kemper so popular.
Being locked into cloud cortex is intentional as no other product does this to my knowledge, i feel like it’s a decision that’s based in “well this could make us some money in future” because that’s the only logical conclusion. I mean i’d be all for it if they got the gears turning and we had those companies now paying a percentage for easy selling on the cloud! There is no hardware or software limitation that would stop preset sharing, making, backing up to pc etc so it is intentional and i guess just feels strange as someone who grew up with a pod xt.

It feels like it’s a way to take a cut off the big profling companies in some plan. If that turns out to be incorrect i’d obviously admit I’m wrong, but it has massively limited the quad for people like myself who may not be very good at tweaking and building our own presets outside of time effects and things. Buying top Jimi profiles made things so easy for me and i guess i just miss that.

Anyway, peace, and sorry if my comments annoyed anyone, they’re just my thoughts, i still have high hopes for it all.


well as i said, i have hopes these things will be ironed out, so that’s why i still have it.


Man that’s so strong. Thanx for your objectivity. Some positive comeback :hugs:. You may have some perspective/experience on the different units that other’s don’t (me for example), so you see it as greed. Some of the developers of captures are very greedy as well, getting p#ssed because they can’t earn on it. They bought all that analogue gear for thousands of USD $ and that’s their choice. Long before the QC came out. Tuff luck.



I agree, i think some of those companies get what they deserve charging extreme prices for their profiles, but some are truly amazing, go listen to top Jimis guns and roses captures, or the van halen ones, the presets are literally dead on and it would be so fricken cool to have that for the quad, so my comments might seem a bit self absorbed, but it’s only because i see the insane potential of the quad. Nam is great and more accurate but it’s open source and lacks so much, has no effects etc and is therefore not as user friendly or capable of anywhere near as much. NeuralDsp ARE an awesome company and gave us great plugins and now a great hardware unit. I just wish it was a bit more open man! It would make such a difference.
It shocks me so many famous guitar youtubers sold theirs and almost all gave similar reasons to me. That’s kinda why i won’t sell mine, i feel like the potential is there and hope something will happen with decisions or progression in the company to create a great profiler/capture business community that pushes it through the stratosphere.

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People absolutely have the right to their opinions but, for me, it comes down to how you express them. Calling NDSP greedy and predicting their downfall because they haven’t implemented some features you want servers no purpose other than creating a negative tone and an adversarial relationship with the company and us users who are enjoying this “useless” device, in spite of it’s current limitations. RESPECT!

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I bought QC instantly. Returned it the very next day.
I bought QC year later. It stays on my desk. I am switching it on when updates come, still having hope (I know I am hopeless case, but I believe in said words, and those from NDSP were “plugin owners will have them on QC after few months”). Well, truth is, they did not mentioned, which year.

I am also with each update redoing captures. I do not own fancy amps, just one old JCM900 (2x12) and some custom build ones. But whatever settings I am trying the captures come flat. Especially on clean or breakup tones I am basically loosing the presence (like hi-cut filter is used) and dynamics.
Similar (but not as big) problem I have with my booster and distortion (both custom build by myself, so not really something I can replace).

I hope NDSP will listen to us here and improve two things:

  • the capture quality
  • the manual (where the capture process will be really properly described)
    (for damn plugins I am not waiting anymore, built a system with micro PC for live gigging, so I am using native plugins now)


Wife bought me Headrest (HEADRUSH, damn ac) Prime (she loves the colorful lights on it). I tried captures there, and… despite the fact I do not really like that device, the captures of amps are so much closer, sparkling, alive. So - definitely the capturing on QC shall be upgraded. :wink:
(The Prime was completely not able to capture my custom booster nor distortion, while QC could quite closely)


Perhaps, but it’s pretty obvious kindly asking not to monopolise presets and captures and allow an explosion of passionate profilers to create and sell high quality presets has fallen on deaf ears. Sometimes people have to express how annoyed they are for people to actually listen. I get your point though.

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Perhaps, but there’s been no shortage of indignant posting since I joined the forum and it hasn’t worked so far. I tend to believe that if not having certain features was effecting QC sales and NDSP had the ability to provide them sooner, they would have before now. They still maintain the the biggest requested (demanded) features are still in the works and the desktop editor is eminent.

I’m very happy with the available models and captures but hopefully they’ll move forward with a capture/IR/preset marketplace soon.

Surprisingly, there are companies like Apple that have been very successful inspite keeping so many elements of their product proprietary. So many flavors of people.

Came across something pretty interesting today while reading on neural nets & guitar amps. This paper dates to November 2022 and sets out to match tones heard on recorded materials using any given guitar DI input. The interesting bit is Lauri Juvela (Neural DSP) is one of the authors .


Adversarial amp modeling paper sound samples:

Saw an interview with Lauri a while ago on Youtube:

It was a very informative watch for someone who knew nothing on what goes into this kind of stuff.


Holly f…k. The Mel Critic method is damn convincing.

As paper was published November 22, and one of the writers works for NDSP, we shall have believe, they will improve capturing algorithm on QC.

Thank you for this info @2dor!

BTW - I like like in that video they say: “…instead of paying over thousand dollars for vacuum tube technology” (Marshall JCM800) “you can… run your signal through a neural network that is train to mimic that amplifier”, good they did not mentioned much cheaper than JCM800 QC device :wink:

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This got me feeling hopeful again. Gonna wait it out then…